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Signup flows

The signup flow is the first interaction a new user has with your company, in the journey of signing up to your service by creating an account.

Flow dependencies

When using Identity Cloud, the way the user can sign up to your application depends on the following factors:

Starting points

Identity Cloud supports the following signup starting points:

Authentication types

The authentication methods the administrator allows in the Management console define the options available to users.

Identity Cloud supports the following authentication methods:

Passwordless authentication

The administrator can enable Passkey and Access app-based authentication in the Management console.

When both options are enabled by the administrator, authentication with passkeys is offered as a priority and the access app is offered as a secondary option.

User device capabilities

Only the passwordless authentication methods which are allowed by the administrator and are supported by the user device are offered to the user for authentication.

Self-service signup

The Self-service signup settings in the Management console define the users' ability to initiate and complete account creation on their own from the Identity Cloud login page.

When self-service signup is enabled, users can initiate signup through the Identity Cloud login page using any signup options the administrator allowed in the Management console.

When self-service signup is disabled, users cannot sign up through the Identity Cloud login page on their own. They can sign up through:

  • The invite sent from the Management console by the administrator.
  • Via any other signup flow you have based on the Identity Cloud REST API, that does not involve the Identity Cloud login page.

When users attempt to create an account from the login page, they receive the below warning.

Self-service signup not allowed

Signup with social identity providers

Multi-factor authentication with social providers

In the case of a multi-factor login flow where a social provider is used (Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook) there is no need to register and use a second factor such as SMS, authenticator app and recovery codes.

Verification is done by completing the social provider's verification steps.


Signup with social identity providers is not possible when self-service signup is disabled, or when a custom URL (to your signup solution) is used for the signup process.

Users are still able to log in with social identity providers that are enabled in the Management console, however account creation is not possible using social identity provider accounts.

When self-service signup of Identity Cloud is not enabled, and users initiate account creation with a social identity provider, they are informed that they do not yet have an account.

Based on the self-service signup URL settings in the Management console, the user is informed of how they can proceed:

  • If no self-service signup URL is configured, the user is directed to the support page.

  • If self-service signup URL is configured, the user is directed to the customer signup URL.