verifyFingerprint abstract method

void verifyFingerprint(
  1. FingerprintUserVerificationContext context,
  2. FingerprintUserVerificationHandler handler

The user verification interaction.

In the case of the registration the user must provide credentials again as required by the FIDO UAF protocol. In the case of the authentication, this is invoked for the user to provide credentials. If there is a recoverable error during the verification, this method will be invoked again, and the FingerprintUserVerificationContext.lastRecoverableError will contain the error. The recoverable error can be used to inform the user of the recoverable error that occurred, because the UI is the responsibility of the developer using the SDK. The operation must be canceled.


  • context: the object providing the information required for the verification process.
  • handler: the object that must be notified with the result of the interaction.


void verifyFingerprint(
  FingerprintUserVerificationContext context,
  FingerprintUserVerificationHandler handler,