deleteAuthenticator abstract method

Future<void> deleteAuthenticator(
  1. {required String username,
  2. String? aaid}

Deletes all the data managed by the SDK regarding the provided authenticator.

If the authenticator is registered, it will delete the associated FIDO UAF credentials of the provided user. If the authenticator is managed by the SDK (PIN or password authenticator), and the specified user is the only registered user, it will also delete the PIN or password definition (i.e. the authenticator will no longer be enrolled). If the username is not specified the authenticator deletion will be performed for all user.

This method will only delete data locally. The FIDO UAF credentials will not be deleted from the server. This method should only be used when going through the protocol to delete authenticator information is not possible. For instance when the PIN authenticator is locked, which may be due to a security attack, and then it is desirable to delete the credentials locally. Using the Deregistration operation is the recommended way of deleting the FIDO UAF credentials.

If no AAID is provided then all authenticators will be deleted.


  • username: the username whose authenticator must be deleted.
  • aaid: the AAID of the Authenticator whose data must be deleted.

Throws: DeleteAuthenticatorInvalidAaidError if the provided AAID is not known. DeleteAuthenticatorUnknownError if an error occurred during deleting the associated FIDO UAF credentials.


Future<void> deleteAuthenticator({
  required String username,
  String? aaid,