serverUrl abstract method

Registration serverUrl(
  1. String serverUrl

Specifies the base URL of the server where the registration should be made. If no server base URL is provided, then the base URL defined in Configuration.baseUrl will be used.

It is assumed that all the servers have the same endpoints, thus only the scheme, hostname and port of the URL will be taken into account.

Examples of base URL resolution in registration:

Configuration base URL Provided server URL in Registration Resulting Server URL
https://server/path https://other.server https://other.server/path
https://server:443/path https://other.server/path https://other.server/path
https://server/path http://other.server:80/otherpath http://other.server:80/path


  • serverUrl: the server URL.

Returns: a Registration object.


Registration serverUrl(String serverUrl);