Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK Flutter Plugin
The Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK for Flutter is a plugin which is part of the Nevis Mobile Authentication solution which enables secure, seamless and passwordless authentication by letting users verify their account using their mobile device.
The framework enables applications to leverage FIDO UAF 1.1 authentication capabilities as implemented in the Nevis Identity Suite, Authentication Cloud or Identity Cloud backend. The SDK can be embedded in Flutter applications to provide an implementation of mobile authentication scenarios such as registration, web- and out-of-app authentication, in-app authentication, transaction confirmation and deregistration.
For more details please consult our Documentation Portal.
Getting Started
Your development setup has to meet the following prerequisites:
- iOS 12 or later
- Xcode 15.4, including Swift 5.10
- Android 7 or later, with API level 24 -or-
- Android 10 or later, with API level 29, for the biometric authenticator to work
- Android 11 or later, with API level 30, for the device passcode authenticator to work
- Gradle 7.4 or later
- Android Gradle Plugin
7.2.2 or later - Kotlin Gradle Plugin
1.8.0 or later - Dart SDK 3.1.0 or later
- OpenJDK 11 or 17
To add the nevis_mobile_authentication_sdk
to your Flutter application read the install instructions. Below are some Android and iOS specifics that are required for the nevis_mobile_authentication_sdk
to work correctly.
Gradle Configuration
Add the following properties to your android/
file depending on the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) version you use:
AGP 8.3.x and above
AGP 8.2.x and below
Repository Configuration
The Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK for Android is published as a GitHub package. You have to specify the repository in your android/build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
google ()
mavenCentral ()
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = <GITHUB_USERNAME>
Warning Accessing GitHub packages requires you to have a GitHub account. You must provide a Personal Access Token, as described here.
Dependency Configuration
Declare Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK as a dependency in your android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
//noinspection GradleDynamicVersion
debugImplementation 'ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug:3.8.+'
Warning The package repository only exposes the
flavor. To use therelease
flavor contact us on [email protected].
Dependency Configuration
To integrate Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK into your Flutter application using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
pod 'NevisMobileAuthentication', :configurations => ['Release']
pod 'NevisMobileAuthentication-Debug', :configurations => ['Debug']
Bitcode Support
As the native iOS SDK does not provide Bitcode support, the following post install step needs to be added to the Podfile:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO' # NMA SDK does not support Bitcode
Enable Face Recognition
Modify your applications Info.plist
file (located under ios/Runner) to add a description for the NSFaceIDUsageDescription
key in order to use the Face Recognition authenticator. Ideally, this value should be localized.
<string>Enabling Face ID allows you to use the Face Recognition authenticator.</string>
Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK Flutter Plugin is release under a commercial license. See LICENSE for details.
© 2022 made with ❤ by Nevis
- nevis_mobile_authentication_sdk
- Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK