Configuration constructor

  1. @Deprecated("Use Configuration.builder instead.")
  1. {required String baseUrl,
  2. String? registrationRequestPath,
  3. String? registrationResponsePath,
  4. String? authenticationRequestPath,
  5. String? authenticationResponsePath,
  6. String? deregistrationRequestPath,
  7. String? dispatchTargetResourcePath,
  8. String? deviceResourcePath,
  9. Duration? networkTimeout,
  10. Duration? authenticationRetryInterval,
  11. int? authenticationMaxRetries,
  12. Duration? userInteractionTimeout,
  13. String? facetId}

Default constructor for Configuration.


  • baseUrl: the default base URL for the HTTP endpoints the SDK must interact with.
  • registrationRequestPath: the registration request URL path used to send the FIDO UAF registration GetUafRequest.
  • registrationResponsePath: the registration response URL path used to send the final FIDO UAF registration response.
  • authenticationRequestPath: the authentication request URL path used to send the FIDO UAF authentication GetUafRequest.
  • authenticationResponsePath: the authentication response URL path used to send the final FIDO UAF authentication response.
  • deregistrationRequestPath: the deregistration request URL path used to obtain the FIDO UAF deregistration request.
  • dispatchTargetResourcePath: the dispatch target resource URL path.
  • deviceResourcePath: the device management resource URL path.
  • networkTimeout: time interval for network calls in seconds.
  • authenticationRetryInterval: time interval for authentication in seconds.
  • authenticationMaxRetries: the maximum number of retries for authentication.
  • userInteractionTimeout: the user interaction timeout in seconds.
  • facetId: Facet ID of the application.


factory Configuration