Interface Operations

public interface Operations
The interface used to obtain operation objects (registration, deregistration, authentication...).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • authCloudApiRegistration

      @NonNull AuthCloudApiRegistration authCloudApiRegistration()
      Returns a AuthCloudApiRegistration object. The object can be used to register a new authenticator using the Nevis Authentication Cloud enroll API.
      a AuthCloudRegistration
    • registration

      @NonNull Registration registration()
      Returns a Registration object. The object can be used to register a new authenticator.
      a Registration
    • authentication

      @NonNull Authentication authentication()
      Returns a Authentication object. The object can be used to authenticate using an already registered authenticator.
      a Authentication
    • deregistration

      @NonNull Deregistration deregistration()
      Returns a Deregistration object. The object can be used to deregister authenticators.
      a Deregistration
    • outOfBandOperation

      @NonNull OutOfBandOperation outOfBandOperation()
      Returns a OutOfBandOperation object. The object can be used to process an OutOfBandPayload that was obtained from a QR code or an Intent (push message for example).
      a OutOfBandOperation
    • pinChange

      @NonNull PinChange pinChange()
      Returns a PinChange object. The object can be used to change the PIN of a registered PIN authenticator.
      a PinChange
    • passwordChange

      @NonNull PasswordChange passwordChange()
      Returns a PasswordChange object. The object can be used to change the password of a registered password authenticator.
      a PasswordChange
    • deviceInformationChange

      @NonNull DeviceInformationChange deviceInformationChange()
      Returns a DeviceInformationChange object. The object can be used to change the properties of a DeviceInformation.
      a DeviceInformationChange
    • outOfBandPayloadDecode

      @NonNull OutOfBandPayloadDecode outOfBandPayloadDecode()
      Returns an OutOfBandPayloadDecode object. The object can be used to decode a JSON String to obtain an OutOfBandPayload.
      an OutOfBandPayloadDecode
    • pendingOutOfBandOperations

      @NonNull PendingOutOfBandOperations pendingOutOfBandOperations()
      Returns a PendingOutOfBandOperations object. This operation retrieves the out-of-band operations that have been started in the server, and must be handled by the application running the Mobile SDK.

      This is supported only when the backend uses nevisFIDO 7.2402.** or later.

      This interface is experimental and can change in the future without notice.

      a PendingOutOfBandOperations
    • deviceInformationCheck

      @NonNull DeviceInformationCheck deviceInformationCheck()
      Returns a DeviceInformationCheck object. This operation allows identifying possible configuration mismatches between the server and the application running the Mobile SDK.

      This is supported only when the backend uses nevisFIDO 7.2408.** or later.

      This interface is experimental and can change in the future without notice.

      a DeviceInformationCheck
    • deviceInformationSync

      @NonNull DeviceInformationSync deviceInformationSync()
      Returns a DeviceInformationSync object. This operation allows correcting the configuration mismatches between the server and the application running the Mobile SDK that were found with a DeviceInformationCheck operation.

      This is supported only when the backend uses nevisFIDO 7.2408.** or later.

      This interface is experimental and can change in the future without notice.

      a DeviceInformationCheck
      See Also: