Interface PendingOutOfBandOperation

public interface PendingOutOfBandOperation
The object defining a non-redeemed out-of-band operation as defined in the in the Get Device Out-of-Band Operations service.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • creationTimeInEpochMillis

      long creationTimeInEpochMillis()
      The time the out-of-band operation was created (i.e. the time the dispatch occurred). This can be used by the mobile clients to know which is the latest operation for the device.
      time the operation was created
    • dispatchChannel

      @NonNull DispatchChannel dispatchChannel()
      The dispatch channel used by the operation. This provides information about how the out-of-band operation is transmitted to the mobile device.
      the name of the dispatch channel used by the operation.
    • payload

      @NonNull OutOfBandPayload payload()
      The OutOfBandPayload object that can be used with the OutOfBandOperation to continue with the operation.
      the OutOfBandPayload.
    • additionalInformation

      @NonNull Optional<String> additionalInformation()
      Additional information that is not included in the OutOfBandPayload. For instance, in this is an operation dispatched using Firebase Cloud Messaging (push notification), this contains the push notification information in JSON format, as provided as input of the dispatch request.
      additional information that was used during the operation creation