Interface FingerprintUserVerificationHandler

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FingerprintUserVerificationHandler extends CancelableHandler
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides fingerprint credentials.

This is used with the Authenticator.FINGERPRINT_AUTHENTICATOR_AAID.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The user verification was canceled.
    When this method is invoked, the SDK will wait for the user to provide credentials.
  • Method Details

    • listenForOsCredentials

      @NonNull OsAuthenticationListenHandler listenForOsCredentials()
      When this method is invoked, the SDK will wait for the user to provide credentials. If the credentials are provided, it will be checked that they are valid.

      Before invoking this method, some user interface should be presented to the end user asking to provide OS credentials (in the case of fingerprint, the user should be asked to place finger in the sensor to authenticate).

      an OsAuthenticationListenHandler that can be used to cancel listening for OS credentials
      IllegalStateException - if either cancel() or this method were previously invoked
    • cancel

      void cancel()
      The user verification was canceled.
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface CancelableHandler
      IllegalStateException - if either this method or listenForOsCredentials() were previously invoked