
Contains the MobileAuthenticationClient interface, which is the entry point to the SDK.

Your application should generally create an application scoped SDK instance, by passing in a Configuration that specifies the SDK behavior. The configuration defines the URLs used to perform operations with a NEVIS Mobile Authentication backend.

To create the SDK, assuming that the Configuration has already been created (see Configuration.Builder, here is an example to setup the SDK during application startup:

 import android.content.Context;


     public static void createMobileAuthenticationClient(Context context,
         Configuration configuration) {
         return MobileAuthenticationClientInitializer.initializer()
               .onError(error -> {
                   // handle error
               .onSuccess(mobileAuthenticationClient -> {
                   // handle the MobileAuthenticationClient

Authentication example:

 private void authenticateUsingOutOfBandPayload(MobileClientAuthentication client, OutOfBandPayload payload) {
     Operations operations = client.operations();
         .onAuthentication(authentication ->
             authentication.authenticatorSelector((ctx, consumer) -> {
                 // select authenticator
             .onError(error -> {
                 // handle error
             .onSuccess(sessionProvider -> {
                 // handle success
         .onRegistration(registration -> {
             // handle registration
         .onError(error -> {
             // handle out-of-band error