aaidThe "Authenticator Attestation ID" (AAID), which identifies the type and batch of the authenticator.
registrationThe object containing the registration information of this Authenticator
userThe user enrollment information.
If this is an OS based authenticator (such as the fingerprint authenticator) the user is enrolled when fingerprints are defined at the operating system level.
If the authenticator is managed at the SDK level (PIN or password), the credentials are defined during registration using either a PinEnroller or PasswordEnroller.
If the user is not enrolled in a system managed authenticator (fingerprint, biometric), the authenticator cannot be used to do a registration or an authentication.
If an authenticator that is not supported is provided through AuthenticatorSelector for registration or authentication operations, an OperationError will be returned as a result of the operation.
isReturns whether the device has hardware supporting this authenticator or not. For example
if this is a fingerprint authenticator and the mobile device where the SDK is running does
not have a fingerprint sensor, this method will return false
If an authenticator that is not supported is provided through AuthenticatorSelector for registration or authentication operations, an OperationError will be returned as a result of the operation.
isReturns whether the Operating System supports this authenticator or not. For example
if the current platform is Android and this is a biometric authenticator
and the Android API level in the device does not support the required interfaces by the SDK,
this method will return false
If an authenticator that is not supported is provided through AuthenticatorSelector for registration or authentication operations, an OperationError will be returned as a result of the operation.
On iOS the value will be always true
. Use Authenticator.isSupportedByHardware
to detect whether the device has hardware supporting the FaceID or TouchID authenticators.
fromAlternate constructor that creates an Authenticator from a json.
contains the source for instance creation.
an Authenticator instance.
An object describing an authenticator.