The interface used to obtain operation objects (registration, deregistration, authentication...).


  • Operations


outOfBandOperation: OutOfBandOperation

Returns an OutOfBandOperation object.

The object can be used to process an OutOfBandPayload that was obtained from a QR code or an Intent (push message for example).

outOfBandPayloadDecode: OutOfBandPayloadDecode

Returns an OutOfBandPayloadDecode object.

The object can be used to decode an OutOfBandPayload from a String in JSON format.

registration: Registration

Returns a Registration object.

The object can be used to register a new authenticator.

authCloudApiRegistration: AuthCloudApiRegistration

Returns an AuthCloudApiRegistration object.

The object can be used to register a new authenticator when using the Nevis Auth Cloud enroll API.

authentication: Authentication

Returns an Authentication object.

The object can be used to authenticate using an already registered authenticator.

deregistration: Deregistration

Returns a Deregistration object.

The object can be used to deregister authenticators.

deviceInformationChange: DeviceInformationChange

Returns a DeviceInformationChange object.

The object can be used to update the device information.

pinChange: PinChange

Returns a PinChange object.

The object can be used to change the PIN of a user.

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