Configuration class abstract

The Mobile Authentication Client configuration.

The Configuration is used to build and initialize the SDK.


  final defaultConfig = Configuration(baseUrl: "");
  final configWithCustomResponsePaths = Configuration(
    baseUrl: "",
    registrationResponsePath: "/custom/uaf/1.1/registration/",
    authenticationResponsePath: "/custom/uaf/1.1/authentication/",
  final authCloudConfig = Configuration.authCloud(hostname: "");


Configuration({required String baseUrl, String? registrationRequestPath, String? registrationResponsePath, String? authenticationRequestPath, String? authenticationResponsePath, String? deregistrationRequestPath, String? dispatchTargetResourcePath, String? deviceResourcePath, Duration? networkTimeout, Duration? authenticationRetryInterval, int? authenticationMaxRetries, Duration? userInteractionTimeout, String? facetId})
Default constructor for Configuration.
Configuration.authCloud({required dynamic hostname, Duration? networkTimeout, Duration? authenticationRetryInterval, int? authenticationMaxRetries, Duration? userInteractionTimeout, String? facetId})
This is a convenience version of the default initializer of this Configuration, that can only be used when your application interacts with the Nevis Auth Cloud.
Configuration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Alternate constructor that creates a Configuration from a json.


authenticationMaxRetries → int
The maximum number of retries for authentication.
no setter
authenticationRequestPath → String
The authentication request URL path used to send the FIDO UAF authentication GetUafRequest.
no setter
authenticationResponsePath → String
The authentication response URL path used to send the final FIDO UAF authentication response.
no setter
authenticationRetryInterval → Duration
Time interval for authentication in seconds.
no setter
baseUrl → String
The default base URL for the HTTP endpoints the SDK must interact with.
no setter
deregistrationRequestPath → String
The deregistration request URL path used to obtain the FIDO UAF deregistration request.
no setter
deviceResourcePath → String
The device management resource URL path.
no setter
dispatchTargetResourcePath → String
The dispatch target resource URL path.
no setter
facetId → String?
Specifies the facet ID of the application.
no setter
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
networkTimeout → Duration
Time interval for network calls in seconds.
no setter
registrationRequestPath → String
The registration request URL path used to send the FIDO UAF registration GetUafRequest.
no setter
registrationResponsePath → String
The registration response URL path used to send the final FIDO UAF registration response.
no setter
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
userInteractionTimeout → Duration
The user interaction timeout in seconds.
no setter


fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) → dynamic
Returns a value of the type you specify, deserialized from a JSON object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() → Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON-encoded representation of the value you supply.
toString() → String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) → bool
The equality operator.