Interface Deregistration

All Superinterfaces:
HttpOperation<Deregistration>, Operation

public interface Deregistration extends HttpOperation<Deregistration>
The object that can be used to trigger a deregistration operation.

Usage example:

  private void deregister(Operations operations,
                        String username,
                        String aaid,
                        AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider) {
                .onError(error -> {
                    // handle error
                .onSuccess(() -> {
                    // handle success
  • Method Details

    • username

      Deregistration username(String username)
      Specifies the username whose authenticator must be deregistered.

      Providing the username is required.

      username - the username
      a Deregistration
    • aaid

      Deregistration aaid(String aaid)
      Specifies the AAID of the Authenticator that must be deregistered. If no AAID is provided, then all the authenticators associated with the username will be deleted.
      aaid - the AAID of the authenticator (for instance Authenticator.PIN_AUTHENTICATOR_AAID).
      a Deregistration
    • authorizationProvider

      Deregistration authorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider)
      Specifies the authorization provider that must be used to deregister the authenticator. If no AuthorizationProvider is given, then an AuthorizationProvider.EmptyAuthorizationProvider will be used.

      This does not have to be provided on Authentication Cloud environment.

      If the backend uses nevisFIDO 7.2402.** or later, use a AuthorizationProvider.JwsAuthorizationProvider to do deregistration without asking the user to authenticate.

      authorizationProvider - the AuthorizationProvider
      a Deregistration
    • onError

      Deregistration onError(Consumer<OperationError> errorConsumer)
      Specifies the object that will be invoked if the deregistration failed. The specified object will receive an OperationError. This object will be invoked in the main/UI thread.

      Providing the object handling the error is required.

      errorConsumer - the consumer of an OperationError
      a Deregistration
    • onSuccess

      Deregistration onSuccess(Runnable onSuccess)
      Specifies the object that will be invoked if the authenticator was deleted successfully. This object will be invoked in the main/UI thread.

      Providing the object handling the success is required.

      onSuccess - the object invoked on successful deregistration.
      a Deregistration