Interface OutOfBandAuthentication

All Superinterfaces:
HttpOperation<OutOfBandAuthentication>, Operation

public interface OutOfBandAuthentication extends HttpOperation<OutOfBandAuthentication>
The operation handling an out-of-band authentication. This is the object returned by the SDK, when a OutOfBandPayload was processed and the OutOfBandPayload corresponds to an authentication operation.


 private void authenticateUsingOutOfBandPayload(Operations operations, OutOfBandPayload payload) {
         .onAuthentication(authentication ->
             authentication.authenticatorSelector((ctx, consumer) -> {
                 // select authenticator
             .onError(error -> {
                 // handle error
             .onSuccess(() -> {
                 // handle success
         .onRegistration(registration -> {
             // handle registration
         .onError(error -> {
             // handle out-of-band error
See Also: