Interface AuthorizationProvider.CookieAuthorizationProvider

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:
Functional Interface:
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@FunctionalInterface public static interface AuthorizationProvider.CookieAuthorizationProvider extends AuthorizationProvider
An HTTP cookie based authorization provider. The cookies are sent to the backend to be able to do operations requiring authorization such as FIDO UAF registration or de-registration.
  • Method Details

    • cookies

      @NonNull List<Cookie> cookies()
      The cookies that can be used to do authorization.
      the cookies
    • create

      @NonNull static AuthorizationProvider.CookieAuthorizationProvider create(@NonNull List<Cookie> cookies)
      Returns a new CookieAuthorizationProvider.
      cookies - the list of cookies that must be used as authorization tokens
      a new CookieAuthorizationProvider