Interface HttpOperation<T extends HttpOperation<T>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AuthCloudApiRegistration, Authentication, Deregistration, DeviceInformationChange, DeviceInformationCheck, DeviceInformationSync, OutOfBandAuthentication, OutOfBandOperation, OutOfBandRegistration, PendingOutOfBandOperations, Registration

public interface HttpOperation<T extends HttpOperation<T>> extends Operation
An operation that requires sending HTTP requests to the backend.

You can provide HTTP request headers that can be sent in the HTTP request. This additional headers can be used for example to correlate the operation executed by the SDK with a more general operation. For instance if you want to correlate all the operations involving the enrollment of a user (which includes registration of an authenticator), you can use this feature.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Specifies the additional request headers that must be included in the HTTP requests sent by the operation.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • requestHeaders

      @NonNull T requestHeaders(RequestHeaders requestHeaders)
      Specifies the additional request headers that must be included in the HTTP requests sent by the operation.
      requestHeaders - the HTTP headers.
      an HttpOperation