requestSpecifies the additional request headers that must be included in the HTTP requests sent by the operation.
the HTTP headers.
an HttpOperation object.
onSpecifies the object that will be invoked with the DeviceInformationCheckResult containing the configuration mismatches an errors (if any) that occurred.
Providing the onResult callback is required.
The information returned in DeviceInformationCheckResult
is only reliable for registrations
done using the Authentication Mobile SDK 3.8.0 or later. If your application has been upgraded
from previous versions of the SDK and thus some users were registered using earlier versions,
some false positive MissingAuthenticatorInServer mismatches can be returned for those
the callback that will be invoked when the operation finishes.
a DeviceInformationCheck object.
The operation retrieving the mismatches that exist between the configuration in the server and in the mobile device application.
The configuration mismatches can be fixed by providing them to the DeviceInformationSync operation.
This is supported only with FIDO UAF registrations made against a backend with nevisFIDO 7.2408.** or later. With registrations made with earlier versions of nevisFIDO, this operation can return MissingAuthenticatorInServer false positives, that is, it can report mismatches, when the credentials of backend and server are in sync.
Usage example: