The operation retrieving the mismatches that exist between the configuration in the server and in the mobile device application.

The configuration mismatches can be fixed by providing them to the DeviceInformationSync operation.

This is supported only with FIDO UAF registrations made against a backend with nevisFIDO 7.2408.** or later. With registrations made with earlier versions of nevisFIDO, this operation can return MissingAuthenticatorInServer false positives, that is, it can report mismatches, when the credentials of backend and server are in sync.

Usage example:

async retrieveDeviceInformationMismatches(
operations: Operations
): Promise<void> {
.onResult((result) => {
// handle the retrieved mismatches. They can be fixed by
// running a DeviceInformationSync operation.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Executes the operation asynchronously.

    Returns Promise<void>