Interface DeviceInformationMismatch.DeviceNameMismatch

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface DeviceInformationMismatch.DeviceNameMismatch extends DeviceInformationMismatch
There is a mismatch between the name of the device in the server and the one in the mobile device application.

Fixing this mismatch when invoking DeviceInformationSync will update the values in all servers with the values in the mobile device application.

If you rather have the value in the server to be used, you can provide the name returned by nameInServer(), and execute a DeviceInformationChange operation with that value.

  • Method Details

    • nameInServer

      @NonNull String nameInServer()
      The name of the device in the server.
      the name of the device in the server
    • nameInMobileDevice

      @NonNull String nameInMobileDevice()
      The name of the device in the mobile application (that is, as returned by through LocalData.deviceInformation()).
      the name of the device in the mobile application
    • server

      @NonNull Server server()
      The server where the mismatch occurs.
      the server where the mismatch occurs