Interface DeviceInformationMismatch.MissingAuthenticatorInMobileDevice

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface DeviceInformationMismatch.MissingAuthenticatorInMobileDevice extends DeviceInformationMismatch
An authenticator is registered in the server for an account, but not in the mobile device application.

Fixing this mismatch when invoking DeviceInformationSync will remove the authenticator from the server.

  • Method Details

    • keyId

      @NonNull String keyId()
      The key ID of the FIDO UAF credentials associated with the missing authenticator.

      It is encoded in base 64 URL.

      the key ID of the FIDO credentials
    • aaid

      @NonNull String aaid()
      The AAID of the missing authenticator.
      the AAID of the missing authenticator
    • server

      @NonNull Server server()
      The server where the mismatch occurs.
      the server where the mismatch occurs