The operation managing an OutOfBandPayload.

An OutOfBandPayload can be provided through different means:

  • a push notification,
  • a QR code or
  • an application link.

This operation will process the payload, decrypt it if needed and send it to the server. If the payload is successfully handled by the server, then the SDK will identify whether the operation associated with the payload is a registration or an authentication. Depending on that the onRegistration or the onAuthentication will be invoked.

Usage example:

async authenticateUsingOutOfBandPayload(
client: MobileAuthenticationClient,
payload: OutOfBandPayload
): Promise<void> {
await client.operations.outOfBandOperation
.onRegistration((registration) => {
// handle registration
.onAuthentication((authentication) => {
// handle authentication
.onError((_error) => {
// handle out-of-band error

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Executes the operation asynchronously.

    Returns Promise<void>