The object that decodes an OutOfBandPayload from a string in JSON format or a Base64 URL encoded string representing the JSON.

The OutOfBandPayload can be used to trigger an out-of-band operation (see OutOfBandOperation).

Usage example:

async decodeOutOfBandPayload(
client: MobileAuthenticationClient,
json: string
): Promise<void> {
await client.operations.outOfBandPayloadDecode
.onSuccess((outOfBandPayload) => {
// handle the OutOfBandPayload
.onError((_error) => {
// handle error

The JSON is obtained from a push notification, or as a Base64 URL encoded JSON in QR codes generated by the server. JSON example:

"nma_data" : {
"token" : "b4b07559-f934-4597-a1c5-44d89f691e8f",
"redeem_url" : "",
"attributeName" : "some additional data to be included in the QR code"
"nma_data_content_type" : "application/json",
"nma_data_version" : "1"

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Executes the operation asynchronously.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Specifies the JSON as Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.

    You must provide either the Base64 URL encoded representation of the JSON through this method, or the JSON itself with the json method. Only one of them can be provided.


    • base64UrlEncoded: string

      the JSON encoded as a Base64 URL encoded string.

    Returns OutOfBandPayloadDecode

    an OutOfBandPayloadDecode object.