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Version: 3.6.x.x RR

Installation of version 3.5.x and prior

The Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK binaries for Android are provided by Nevis in an archive file.

For convenience, Nevis also offers a public Maven repository where the debug flavor of the SDK is available.


To obtain the release flavor of the SDK, download it from our portal.

You will see a package called where NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION is the actual version of the Nevis Mobile Authentication Android SDK e.g.:

Installation from Public Maven Repository

The nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-package GitHub repository, contains the debug flavor of the Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK. You can follow the following steps to integrate the SDK in your application using this repository.

The following steps assume that the NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION contains the SDK version. Set the console environment variable as follows:

  1. Add the repositories containing the SDK aar in the build.gradle file of your application module:
build.gradle file using public Maven repository
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = <GITHUB_USERNAME>

Accessing GitHub packages requires you to have a GitHub account. You have to provide a Personal Access Token, as described here.

  1. In the build.gradle file of your application module, add the SDK dependency and its required dependencies:
Dependency for debug flavor
dependencies {
debugImplementation "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}"

Installation Using Archive Provided by Nevis

The SDK is provided as compressed archive. After unpacking, you see the following structure:

  • debug contains the binary files and POM files of the debug flavor.
  • release contains the binary files, that is, AAR library and finalization library, and the POM files of the release flavor.

For example the content of package version will look like:

Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK Android archive content
├── debug
│   ├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug-
│   ├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug-
│   └── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug-
└── release
├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-
├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-
├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-
├── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer-
└── nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer-
  1. Declare Maven repository

You have to configure the Maven repository where the Android release SDK and the finalizer Gradle plugin are available. There are multiple choices.


For more information about declaring Gradle repositories read the official guide.

You may install the release version of the Android SDK and the finalizer plugin into your local Maven repository. To do this execute the following commands in terminal:

Installation to local Maven repository

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=debug/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.aar -DgroupId=ch.nevis -DartifactId=nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug -Dversion=${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION} -DpomFile=debug/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.pom

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=release/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.aar -DgroupId=ch.nevis -DartifactId=nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android -Dversion=${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION} -DpomFile=release/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.pom

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=release/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.jar -DgroupId=ch.nevis -DartifactId=nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer -Dversion=${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION} -DpomFile=release/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer-${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}.pom

We assume that you are in the root directory of the unpacked SDK package.

Declare mavenLocal() repository:

Local Maven repository declaration
allprojects {
repositories {
  1. Add release flavor dependency

In the build.gradle file of your application module, add the SDK dependency and its required dependencies:

Dependency for release flavor
dependencies {
releaseImplementation "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}"


There are a number of protection mechanisms only included in the release flavor that require a procedure during the building of the application called finalization.

The finalization updates the binaries of the library with information about your application to execute those protection mechanisms during runtime. If you use Gradle to build the application, the finalization can be done using a Gradle plugin.

The debug flavor does not require finalization.

Update the build.gradle File

To integrate the Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK for Android into your application, do as follows:

  1. Add the repository containing the SDK aar and the SDK finalizer to buildscript block in the build.gradle file of your application module. Use the same repository that you declared in previous chapter.
  2. In the same buildscript block, define the SDK finalizer dependency as well.

In the following snippet, it is assumed that the SDK aar dependency and the finalizer are published to the Maven repository.


For convenience, you can define the ${NEVIS_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION} variable in the file. The variable contains the version of the SDK.

build.gradle file with both local file system and remote dependency
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""

dependencies {
classpath "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}"
  1. In the build.gradle file of your application module, the SDK finalization plugin is required when using the release flavor, that is, for production. This finalizes the hardening framework protection of the SDK as part of the gradle build of your application. Apply the plugin using the release flavor as follows:
apply plugin: 'finalize'
Where to apply the finalization plugin?

The finalization plugin has to be applied on app level.


You can apply the finalizer plugin only for release Gradle tasks using the following code snippet:

if (project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.find { name -> name.endsWith("Release") } != null) { apply plugin: 'finalize' }

Manifest placeholders

The plugin requires access to the AndroidManifest.xml when executed. So, if you use manifest placeholders, they have to be resolved before the plugin runs. If you want to resolve the placeholders on a variant basis, and you use Android Gradle Plugin 7.0 or later, use androidComponent as in the following example:

Manifest placeholders with Android Gradle plugin 7 or later
android {

androidComponents {
onVariants(selector().all(), variant -> {
variant.manifestPlaceholders = [attributeName : "$attributeValue"]

If you use an earlier version of the Android Gradle Plugin than 7.0, and use the merged flavor of the variant to resolve the placeholders, execute the plugin after project evaluation:

Manifest placeholders with Android Gradle plugin 6 or earlier

android { applicationVariants.all {
variant ->
variant.getMergedFlavor().manifestPlaceholders = [attributeName : "$attributeValue"]


project.afterEvaluate { apply plugin: 'finalize' }

android.enableJetifier flag

Finalization can fail for instance when using Androidx libraries if third party libraries are not migrated automatically. If finalization fails, we recommend enabling library migration in

Setting android.enableJetifier in

Example - application module build.gradle file using both release and debug SDK dependencies

In the following example, the two out-of-the box build types provided by the Android Gradle plugin are used: release and debug. It is assumed that the SDK dependencies are published to the local Maven repository, see installation chapter.

As only the release flavor of the SDK requires finalization, the finalization plugin is only applied during assembly of the release build type.

Application Module build.gradle example
repositories {
// It is assumed that the Nevis SDK is deployed to the local Maven
// repository
// Maven Central and Google repositories have the transitive dependencies
// required by the Nevis SDK

buildscript {
repositories {
// It is assumed that the Nevis SDK finalizer library is deployed
// to the local Maven repository
// The Android Gradle Plugin is accessible from the Google repository
// mavenCentral is required to get its transitive dependencies
classpath "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-finalizer:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}"
classpath ''

apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 30

defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 30

defaultConfig {
applicationId "ch.nevis.doc.sdksampleapp"
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"

compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

// Apply the SDK finalization plugin if we are using a Nevis SDK
// flavor that requires it.
if (isNevisSdkFinalizationRequired()) {
apply plugin: 'finalize'

// Add the SDK dependency that corresponds to the build type that we
// are assembling.

dependencies {
// Add the dependencies of your application. The Nevis SDK dependencies have
// been added in addSDKDependency

private boolean isNevisSdkFinalizationRequired() {
return project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.find { name -> name.endsWith("assembleRelease") } != null

private void addSDKDependency(List<String> taskNames) {
if (taskNames.size() == 1) {
def taskName = taskNames.iterator().next()
if (taskName.endsWith('assembleDebug')) {
project.dependencies.add('implementation', "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android-debug:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}")
if (taskName.endsWith('assembleRelease')) {
project.dependencies.add('implementation', "ch.nevis:nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-android:${NEVIS_MOBILE_SDK_ANDROID_VERSION}")

Disable minifyEnabled

minifyEnabled must be set to false for all gradle build types of your application.

The hardening framework used by the SDK requires this. If minifyEnabled is set to true, tamper guards that operate at application runtime (like checksum) would be disabled.

Enable Multidexing

If your Android Gradle plugin does not enable multidexing by default, set multiDexEnabled to true in the defaultConfig section of your top level build.gradle file. The finalization can cause the total number of methods to go beyond the Dalvik Executable specification limit of 64k. Therefore, multiDexing must be enabled for your application.

Backup Setup

The Android Mobile Authentication SDK does not support backing up and restoring its contents.

If your application does not require backing up any of its contents, disable the backup in the AndroidManifest.xml of your application as described in the Android documentation:

Android Manifest Backup Configuration
<manifest ... >
<application android:allowBackup="false" ... >

If your application requires backing up contents, you must list them explicitly in AndroidManifest.xml to avoid backing up the SDK contents.


If the contents of the Android Mobile Authentication SDK are backed up and then restored, the SDK can fail during initialization.