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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

The pattern of placeholders

The string pattern defining a placeholder follows certain rules:

  1. Placeholders are case-sensitive and contain exclusively upper-case letters.
  2. A placeholder always starts and ends with two underscores (__), except for ODT templates. In those templates, the starting and ending double underscores are not used.
  3. Property names are converted into placeholders by removing any empty space, underscore and hyphen.
  4. Underscores within a placeholder are used to separate parent-child or element-attribute relations.
  5. A placeholder always has a context, which may be a certain user or a user's credential. For example, when resolving the placeholders within a mail template, it is already known that the mail will be sent to a certain user. Therefore, all placeholders are resolved in the context of that user.


The points above become clearer with some examples:

  • __USER_EMAIL__: In this placeholder, USER is the object and EMAIL is an attribute of the user.
  • __CRED_PROP_CERTPROP__: CRED is the object and refers to a credential. PROP is a child object of the credential, the credential's property. And CERTPROP refers to the property's name. Due to rule 3, above, the effective name of the property may be "cert prop" or "cert-prop" or "cert_prop".

Placeholders for user attributes and properties

Most of the attributes defined on the user in the nevisIDM data model can be retrieved by means of placeholders as shown in the table below.

Document typeAvailable user placeholders
E-mail, HTMLemail template__USER_EXTID__
Optional placeholders for address extension (eCH-0010):
(info) In case of HTMLemail, the placeholder values will be HTML escaped.
OpenOffice templateUSER_EXTID
Optional placeholders for address extension (eCH-0010),
available only if feature is enabled per client policy:
SMS template__USER_EXTID__
Optional placeholders for address extension (eCH-0010),
available only if feature is enabled per client policy:

Refer to the chapter Data Model, where the attributes of users are listed.


The placeholder USER is deprecated. Use USER_EMAIL instead.

User properties

Properties of a user can be referred to as mentioned earlier:

  • __USER_PROP_PROPERTYNAME__, where PROPERTYNAME is the simplified name of the property according to the previously mentioned rule 3. It is also possible to use the property placeholders as address fields in e-mail templates. It is the up to the administrator to make sure that the property is a valid e-mail address.
  • USER_COUNTRY is the two-letter country code (example: CH, HU).
  • USER_COUNTRY_NAME is the country name in the user's language (example: Switzerland, Hungary if the user's preferred language was English).
  • USER_COUNTRY_NAME_EN and similar are the country names in corresponding languages (e.g., Switzerland, Hungary).
  • USER_MAINUSERS_EMAIL is a semicolon-separated list of e-mail addresses of all main users of the current deputy user. This placeholder is useful for example as a carbon copy (cc), when the main users have to be notified about sub-user communication.

User salutation and country names

For the supported application languages German, English, French and Italian, the placeholders USER_SALUTATION and USER_COUNTRY_NAME are by default translated in the preferred user language. In case you have configured any other language, you can add the corresponding translations for the above mentioned placeholders as a custom message resource. Put the translations for each additional language in a file with the following name pattern: custLitDict_<languageCode>.properties.


The property file custLitDict_<languageCode>.properties will be read with UTF-8 encoding.

The following example shows the Spanish translations for the salutation and user country name placeholders, in the file

user.salutation.F=Estimada Sra
user.salutation.M=Estimado Sr
user.salutation.null=Estimado Sra/Srña

If the "other" gender option is enabled in the Client Policy, it will use the translation of placeholder user.salutation.null.

Store the custom message resource files in the directory web.gui.messageresource.dir (as configured in the file - see also the table describing the file in Configuration files).

Placeholders for credential attributes and properties

Only a small set of credential attributes can be referenced by means of placeholders as shown below. However, there are certain special placeholders which allow referencing to new passwords, reset codes, etc. The special placeholders are explained in the chapter Special placeholders.

Document typeAvailable credential placeholders
E-mail, HTMLemail, SMS template Certificate policy__CRED_NAME__
OpenOffice templateCRED_NAME

Credential properties

Credential properties are referenced as it is done for user properties. For example, if the certificate credential has the property "certID", one could refer to this property with __CRED_PROP_CERTID__.

Special placeholders

The following variables have special semantics and can only be used with the indicated feature of nevisIDM.


The placeholder __ADMIN__ is deprecated. Instead, use __ADMIN_EMAIL__.

PlaceholderDocument typeDescription
__CURRENT_DATE__OpenOffice templateCurrent date
__LINK__E-mail, HTMLemail template for URL ticket credentialsPersonalized URL of the one-time URL ticket credential.
E-mail,SMS and OpenOffice template for ticket and temporary strong password credentials.Replaced by the referrer URL calculated of the request.
Deprecated: Replacement does not work if combined with URL mappings of reverse proxies. Instead, write the required URL directly into the template. Only usable if JavaScript is enabled.
__NEW_EMAIL__E-mail, HTMLemail templateUsed by selfAdmin GUI e-mail verification process, when client policy parameter and are set to true. E-mail templates for the communication event SelfadminTicketNotification can use this placeholder.
__NEW_MOBILE__SMS templateUsed by the mobile verification process of the Self administration GUI (selfAdmin). SMS templates for the communication event SelfadminMobileNotification can use this placeholder.
__RESET_CODE__E-mail, HTML email, SMS and OpenOffice templatePassword reset code. The initial password as well as re-generated passwords are referenced by this placeholder.
__TICKET__E-mail, HTMLemail, SMS and OpenOffice templateTicket string
__ADMIN_EMAIL__E-mail, HTMLemail templateE-mail addresses of the user’s administrators. User adminstrators are all users with the UserAdmin permission for this user.
E-mail, HTMLemail templateThe job UpdateUserStateJob may send out deactivation warning mails. The value of this placeholder is the configured grace period (daysGracePeriod).

External placeholders

The values for all above mentioned placeholders are generated by nevisIDM or resolved from the database. Starting from nevisIDM version 2.79 so called external placeholders are also allowed. For these, the values are not resolved or generated by nevisIDM but provided by a client calling nevisIDM. For example, you can create an email template with the placeholder __EXTERNAL_CITY__ and, you can provide the value for the placeholder using the notification REST API of nevisIDM. All placeholders must start with the EXTERNAL prefix.