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Version: 3.8.x.x LTS

Quickstart information

The base URL for the REST API is as follows: https://<nevisAdmin server>:8037/nevisadmin/rest/.

You can use Swagger UI to explore the API (refer to the chapter: Swagger UI). This application runs at: https://<nevisAdmin server>:8037/nevisadmin/apidocs/index.html

The API structure follows the nevisAdmin user interface:

  • Administration: /nevisadmin/rest/administration/ shows user groups and provides a helper service for known types.
  • Configuration: /nevisadmin/rest/configuration/ provides access to environments, applications, and mappings.
  • Infrastructure: /nevisadmin/rest/infrastructure/ CRUD operations on interface objects such as zones, servers, instances, services, and files.
  • Operation: /nevisadmin/rest/operation/ provides instance operations and allows the user to commit and/or deploy a given revision.

The basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are as follows:

  • GET: /nevisadmin/rest/<path-to-parent>/<type> retrieves a list of resources for the given type, e.g., server, instance, service, or file.
  • GET: /nevisadmin/rest/<path-to-resource>/<type>/<id> retrieves a single resource (e.g., zone, server, instance, application, mapping).
  • POST: /nevisadmin/rest/<path-to-resource>/<type> creates a resource of the given type (and with it a unique object ID).
  • PUT: /nevisadmin/rest/<path-to-resource>/<type>/<id> updates a resource using either a full or a partial update (partial update by default).
  • DELETE: /nevisadmin/rest/<path-to-resource>/<type>/<id> removes a resource.

Every resource is identified by its unique object ID. In addition to that, it has assigned at least a type and a name attribute. This object ID can be displayed in the breadcrumb of the nevisAdmin GUI by setting the ch.nevis.nevisadmin.gui.breadcrumb.includeids property to true.