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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

nevisAdmin 4 migration from LTS21 to LTS24

This document lists the major changes since LTS21. For the details of each change, check the corresponding release notes.

Breaking changes


  • REMOVED: Patterns to set up monitoring are no longer available in the standard pattern libraries.


  • CHANGED: The pattern key-value property is changed to separate key-value pair fields, and no longer supports separators, that is = , : , ->. If the legacy property already contains a value, you have to migrate it to a new format. For more details, see Editing Pattern Fields (NEVISADMV4-6823)


  • CHANGED: When updating a user with PUT /api/v1/users/{userKey}, sending the user type is now mandatory. (NEVISADMV4-8956)
  • CHANGED: The database connector no longer enables autocommit automatically. If you are using a custom database and need this feature, ensure that your database has autocommit enabled. (NEVISADMV4-8689)
  • CHANGED: The database driver will now only accept jdbc:mariadb: by default in the connection url string. If your connection string is required to be jdbc:mysql:, add the ?permitMysqlScheme parameter. (NEVISADMV4-8689)
  • REMOVED: We removed the kubernetes mode from the Generation Engine. (NEVISADMV4-8829)


  • CHANGED: The RSA/SHA1 signature algorithm is disabled by default for the ssh connection used for classic deployments and git. (NEVISADMV4-9136)

    If you still need this unsecure signature algorithm you have to either:

    • Edit the var/opt/nevisadmin4/conf/env.conf and add these system properties:
    • Or edit the ssh config of the user, typically ~/.ssh/config, see more details.
      Host {old-host}      
      HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
      PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
  • CHANGED: During kubernetes deployments, git metadata and the list of secret references used are now added to nevis components. This will show up as a change in the deployment preview screen when they are deployed for the first time after upgrading to this version. (NEVISADMV4-9354)


  • CHANGED: NevisAdmin4 has upgraded the runtime from Java 8 to Java 17. Java 8 is no longer supported. For more information, see the java 17 upgrade guide.
  • CHANGED: We upgraded to groovy 4, so the old plugins version are not compatible with this version. The usual one version backward compatibility can not be provided. (PRODROAD-321) (PRODROAD-322)
  • CHANGED: New Jetty version used in nevisAdmin 4 performs more strict validation for TLS connections. The SNI will be checked for matching the hostname in the configured certificate. (NEVISADMV4-9142)
  • CHANGED: The Git deployment repository is now seperated to namespace folders when using Git deployments. (NEVISADMV4-9506)


  • CHANGED: Due to the shallow checkout feature, Kubernetes deployments no longer work with uninitialized repositories. (NEVISADMV4-10018)