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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

Release notes

nevisAuth 7.2405.1.1 - 26.06.2024

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

General Changes

  • FIXED: Unreleased lock causing threads to hang in scenarios where several clients are using the same session and this session is killed by multiple nevisProxy instances at the same time. Also some warning messages not requiring operational attention are downgraded to info. (NEVISAUTH-4738)
  • FIXED: We now set the kid field in the JWKS endpoint with the property keyID of the AuthorizationServer, in case the keyID property exists. (NEVISAUTH-4501)
  • FIXED: SecurityTokenService logging confusing error message when generating an error response. (NEVISAUTH-4681)

nevisAuth 7.2405.0.4 - 15.05.2024

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

  • REMOVED: The constant TokenSignature.DFLT_ALGORITHM using SHA1 was removed from jcan-sectoken, use the value SHA256withRSA instead. (NEVISIDM-9456)
  • REMOVED: The nevisauth-test-authstateharness-fat no longer embeds the following 3rd party dependencies: log4j, slf4j, groovy-test, groovy-test-junit5, groovy-testng as these can easily cause an unresolvable version clash. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • FIXED: The OOCD and Remote session store incorrectly storing time data in certain cases when using MariaDB. This caused an error during daylight saving time switch in spring while 1 hour disappears from time. MariaDB JDBC driver defaulting to the server timezone caused to double convert from local timezone to UTC. Normally this does not cause any issue for nevisAuth as the read/write uses the same logic. During the daylight saving time switch this causes a validation error at db that we try to insert a not existing (valid) time. Database connection session is now using UTC timezone to avoid this. Note that because of this change OOCD entries and Sessions will expire earlier with the timezone offset. If this is not acceptable you can fix the data in the DB like this: update nevisauth_out_of_context_data_service set reap_timestamp = DATE_ADD(reap_timestamp, INTERVAL 2 HOUR); update TNSSA_AUTH_SESSION_CACHE set ABSTO = DATE_ADD(ABSTO, INTERVAL 2 HOUR); These statements assume Central European Time and that the data was created in Summer time. (With winter time you have to add only 1 hour) In case of getting an error like Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'UTC' afterwards that means your database did not have the timezone database initilized. You have to run mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql -p to verifiy the result of that you can run SELECT * FROM mysql.time_zone_name;. Note that this will only impact you if you upgrading from the java8 els versions or any rolling version >= Upgrading from LTS21 is not impacted as LTS21 does not have this issue yet as it was introduced in NEVISAUTH-4265. (NEVISAUTH-4650)

General Changes

  • FIXED: OAuth2 only return error redirect when valid redirect_uri is provided. (NEVISAUTH-4627)
  • FIXED: We made the encryption of the AccessToken work also for OAuth2. (NEVISAUTH-4630)
  • FIXED: We fixed corrupted SecToken generated by JWT Bearer Grant Authentication flow. (NEVISAUTH-4631)
  • FIXED: Getting BadConfigurationException when setting nevismeta.httpclient.authorization.basic.* properties. (NEVISAUTH-4520)
  • FIXED: The actorCert not extracted from HTTP Request. (NEVISAUTH-4649)
  • FIXED: The public client without client secret throw exception during token request. (NEVISAUTH-4691)
  • NEW: We support EC key for JWKS. (NEVISAUTH-4515)
  • EXPERIMENTAL: We introduced the property openid.promptParameterSupported for using prompt parameter in AuthorizationServer. (NEVISAUTH-4526)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Angus activation third-party dependencies to version 2.0.2. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Angus mail third-party dependencies to version 2.0.3. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Apache Http Client third-party dependencies to version 5.3.1. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Bouncy Castle third-party dependencies to version 1.78. (NEVISAUTH-4641)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Commons codec third-party dependency to version 1.16.1. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Groovy third-party dependencies to version 4.0.21. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Guava third-party dependencies to version 33.1.0-jre. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Jackson third-party dependencies to version 2.17.0. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Jakarta servlet api third-party dependency to version 6.0 (NEVISAUTH-4585)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jaxb-impl third-party dependency to version 4.0.2. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jaxrs-ri third-party dependency to version 3.1.6. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jcan-saml, jcan-sectoken dependency to version 7.2405.0.x. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Jetty third-party dependencies to version 12.0.8. (NEVISAUTH-4585)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the json-smart third-party dependency to version 2.5.1. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the ldap-unboudid third-party dependency to version 7.0.0. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the libphonenumber third-party dependency to version 8.13.34. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the log4j third-party dependencies to version 2.23.1. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the MariaDB connector third-party dependency to version 3.3.3. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the nimbus oicd sdk third-party dependency to version 11.10.1. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Opentelemetry api third-party dependency to version 1.37.0 (NEVISAUTH-4546)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the PostgreSQL jdbc driver third-party dependency to version 42.7.3. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Parsson third-party dependency to version 1.1.6. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the slf4j third-party dependency to version 2.0.12. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the woodstox third-party dependency to version 6.6.2. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the wss4j third-party dependency to version 3.0.3. (NEVISAUTH-4553)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the xmlsec third-party dependency to version 3.0.4. (NEVISAUTH-4553)