New observation type: Browser Fingerprints - deterministic (similar to Device Fingerprints) but take more input parameters into account during generation
More diverse values than Device Fingerprints
Breaking change: Fingerprint Sharing Analyzer focuses on Browser Fingerprints only (if they match, the Device Fingerprints would also match)
New IP geolocation service supported: MaxMind
Property nevisadapt.ipToLocation.service.class must be set to maxMindService
The other two options are:
ipToLocationCsvService: primarily for less detailed data (country code/name)
ipToLocationBinService: permitting more details (e.g. GPS coordinates, city, etc.)
Stand-alone nevisAdapt (deployed through nevisAdmin4)
Introduced template for stand-alone nevisAdapt
New operation mode: Stand-alone score-based decision
Breaking change: Base observation risk scores are different from classic ones when deploying through nevisAdmin4 (primarily aimed at stand-alone use case) - for details see Default pattern configurations
nevisAdapt makes a decision based on the login's aggregate risk score reaching various thresholds
LOW: score < mediumThreshold
MEDIUM: mediumThreshold <= score < highThreshold
HIGH: score >= highThreshold
each decision can be directed to its own next step in the authentication flow
Risk profiles: they adjust the weights to enable the desired behaviour
Balanced: default profile
Strict: higher weight settings make it easier to reach the various thresholds
New function: Remember Me - a token that provides all data required for updating the database on nevisAdapt side during login, which allows skipping the username/password step (if present)
In order to set it up, nevisAdapt Remember Me Step has to be inserted before the current first authentication step (probably IDM login) then redirect to it through Original Authentication Flow.
New property
New property nevisadapt.rememberme.token.lifetime.days (default value 30)
New function: Feedback for suspicious logins
If the authentication flow contains this step, a link with a Feedback Token will be generated and sent out to the user
Following the link allows deleting the reported session and related observations immediately (if used within the token's deprecation timeframe)
The deletion has multiple levels:
session: only the reported session's observations are removed
device: (default option) removes all observations for the reporting user that are related to the same device as the reported session
all: removes all observations for the reporting user
New property feedback.redirect.url - the page to navigate to after the reporting is done
New property feedback.generation.key - JWE key for encrypting/decrypting the feedback token
New AuthStates during logout
RememberMeTokenDeletionAuthState: removes the generated token as the session cannot be interrupted anymore
NevisAdaptSessionTerminationAuthState: nevisAdapt has to finalize the session details in its database (e.g. session end date)