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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

Appendix C - List of Abbreviations

This table lists all abbreviations used in the nevisIDM reference guide.

AOPAspect Oriented Programming
APIApplication Program Interface
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
BCCBlind Carbon Copy
CACertificate Authority
CCCarbon Copy
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CSVComma-Separated Values
CTANClient-to-Authenticator Protocol
CUPSCommon Unix Printing System
DMLData Manipulation Language
DNDistinguished Name
DPXDigital moving Picture eXchange
DTOData Transfer Object
EAREnterprise ARchive
ELExpression Language
FIDO UAFFast IDentity Online Universal Authentication Framework
FIDO 2Fast IDentity Online 2
FKForeign Key
GUIGraphical User Interface
HMACHashed Message Authentication Code
HOTPHMAC-based One-Time Password
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
IDMIDentity Management
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
JAASJava Authentication and Authorization Service
JARJava ARchive
JDBCJava DataBase Connectivity
JMSJava Messaging Service
JNDIJava Naming and Directory Interface
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
JSPJava Server Pages
MSISDNMobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
MSSPMobile Signature Service Provider
mTANmobile Transaction Authentication Number
NLSNational Language Support
OATHInitiative for Open AuTHentication
ODTOpenDocument Text
OTPOne-Time Password
PDFPortable Document Format
PEMPrivacy Enhanced Mail
PINPersonal Identification Number
POJOPlain Old Java Object
PUKPersonal Unblocking Key
QRQuick Response
RACReal Application Clusters
RESTREpresentational State Transfer
RPMRPM Package Manager
RSARivest-Shamir-Adleman (company)
SAMSecurity Account Manager
SAMLSecurity Assertion Markup Language
SHASecure Hash Algorithm
SLESSuSE Linux Enterprise Server
SMFService Management Facility
SMSShort Message Service
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SQLStructured Query Language
SSHASalted Secure Hash Algorithm
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
TANTransaction Authentication Number
TIDMATape Interface Direct Memory Access
TOTPTime-based One-Time Password
URLUniform Resource Locator
uScopeUniqueness Scope
WARWeb application ARchive
WebauthnWeb Authentication
WSWeb Services
WSDLWeb Services Description Language
XMLEXtensible Markup Language