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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

Self-administrative operations

Self-administrative operations are offered for the management of the caller's own entity in nevisIDM.

SelfAdminvoid changeMyLanguage(String newLanguage)Changes the caller's current language to newLanguage.
PasswordChangeResult changeMyPassword(String oldPW, String newPW, CredentialType credentialType, String credentialContext)Changes the caller's password to newPW if oldPW is correct. Changing the caller's context passwords is also supported. In this case, the credentialType and credentialContext attributes are mandatory. The credential type has to be "CONTEXT_PASSWORD" and the credentialContext has to be the context of the context password credential the caller wants to change.
void checkAuthorizationForUnit(List<String> idmRoles, List <String> permission, String unitExtId)Checks if the current user's profile has an authorization for any of the specified IDM roles or permission for the specified unit.
IdmRoles: a list of nevisIDM roles
permission: a list of elementary permissions Returns a BusinessFault if the check does not succeed.
User getCaller()Returns the User object of the caller (can be used by portal applications to return info about authenticated users).
Notes and requirements:
The languageCode filter can be used to filter the application display names. It is interpreted in the following way:
  • languageCode=*: the application's display name is returned in all languages.
  • languageCode=[DE, FR, IT, EN]: the application's display name is only returned for the specified language.
  • filter or language is null: the application's display name for the user's preferred language is returned.
  • the caller's user object
  • the applications the user is authorized for (incl. the display name of the application in different languages)
  • the unit the caller's profile belongs to (incl. all parent units)
void updateCaller()Updates the caller's user attributes or properties.
Notes and requirements: loginId, clientName/clientExtId, extId and state cannot be modified.
The SecurityQuestions of the caller can be updated as well. It can create/modify/delete PersonalAnswers for the caller's security question credential.
Notes and requirements for SecurityQuestions modification: The question is mandatory, it has to be specified by its extId. If the content in the answer is empty, the PersonalAnswer object will be removed.
List<User> queryUsersThis method is deprecated, because it needs more than SelfAdmin permission. This is against the concept of SelfAdminService. Therefore, use AdminService instead.
A similar method to the queryUsers method on the AdminService, but with a maximum UserDetailLevel of "medium" and "exclude" on the rest.
Profile createDeputy(String deputedProfileExtId, String deputyUserExtId)Creates a deputy for a self owned profile.
deputedProfileExtId: the extId of the profile (owned by the caller) for which a deputy shall be created.
deputyUserExtId: the extId of the deputy to be appointed. The deputy must share the caller's client.
Returns the created deputy profile. since: SelfadminService v1.14
void deleteDeputy(String deputyProfileExtId)Removes a deputy of the caller by removing its deputy profile. since: SelfadminService v1.14
void deleteCaller()Delete or archive the caller according to the "webservice.selfadmin.deleteCaller" parameter of the client policy. since: SelfadminService v1.19