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Version: 1.12.6.x LTS

Release notes

nevisMeta LTS - 14.05.2024

Changes and new features


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the spring third-party dependency to 5.3.34. (NEVISMETA-2010)

nevisMeta LTS - 21.02.2024

This is a technical release.

Changes and new features

There are no changes or new features.

nevisMeta LTS - 15.11.2023

Changes and new features


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the org.json third-party dependency to 20231013. (NEVISMETA-1943)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jetty third-party dependency to 9.4.53.v20231009. (NEVISMETA-1943)
  • REMOVED: We removed the netty third-party dependency. (NEVISMETA-1937)

nevisMeta LTS - 16.08.2023

Changes and new features


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the guava third-party dependency to 32.0.1. (NEVISMETA-1906)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the netty third-party dependency to 4.1.94.Final. (NEVISMETA-1906)

nevisMeta LTS - 17.05.2023

Changes and new features


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the autoValue third-party dependency to 1.10.1. (NEVISMETA-1871)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jacksonCore third-party dependency to 2.14.2. (NEVISMETA-1871)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the guava third-party dependency to 31.1-jre. (NEVISMETA-1871)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the flyway third-party dependency to 9.16.1. (NEVISMETA-1871)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the jettison third-party dependency to 1.5.4. (NEVISMETA-1871)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the spring third-party dependency to 5.3.27. (NEVISMETA-1877)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the commons-fileupload third-party dependency to version 1.5. (NEVISMETA-1865)
  • FIXED: The nevisMeta process can stop properly in case of OutOfMemoryError. (NEVISMETA-1867)
  • CHANGED: To decrease the heap size, numeric parameters are also used as bind variables in Hibernate. This reduces the number of cached query plans. (NEVISMETA-1873)

nevisMeta LTS - 15.02.2023

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Jackson third-party dependency to version 2.14.1. (NEVISMETA-1813)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Mariadb-java-client third-party dependency to version 3.1.0. (NEVISMETA-1813)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded the Flyway third-party dependency to version 9.8.3. (NEVISMETA-1813)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded Jettison to 1.5.3. (NEVISMETA-1825)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded Netty to 4.1.86.Final. (NEVISMETA-1825)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded Woodstox to 6.4.0. (NEVISMETA-1825)
  • FIXED: We return the client secret only for admin users and for the user who created the client when getting the client information via REST API. (NEVISMETA-1817)
  • NEW: We support MariaDB 10.6. (NEVISMETA-1822)
  • REMOVED: We removed the mysql-connector-java third-party dependency. (NEVISMETA-1813)

nevisMeta LTS - 16.11.2022

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


  • UPGRADED: We upgraded moment.js to 2.29.4. (NEVISMETA-1788)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded jackson to 2.13.4. (NEVISMETA-1792)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded jettison to 1.5.1. (NEVISMETA-1799)
  • UPGRADED: We upgraded primefaces to 12.0.0. (NEVISMETA-1790)
  • REMOVED: We removed xstream. (NEVISMETA-1798)

nevisMeta LTS - 17.08.2022

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


  • UPGRADED: Spring is upgraded to 5.3.20. (NEVISMETA-1747)
  • UPGRADED: moment.js is upgraded to 2.29.3. (NEVISMETA-1746)
  • UPGRADED: handlebars.js is upgraded to 4.7.7. (NEVISMETA-1746)
  • UPGRADED: angularjs is upgraded to 1.8.2. (NEVISMETA-1746)
  • UPGRADED: Jetty is upgraded to 9.4.48.v20220622. (NEVISMETA-1766)
  • NEW: There is a new property available for client authentication in TLS settings: server.tls.client-auth. This property is the successor of the property server.tls.require-client-auth. It provides the options "required", "requested", and "disabled". The old property server.tls.require-client-auth is deprecated but remains backwards compatible. If you use the new property server.tls.client-auth, the system ignores the property server.tls.require-client-auth and logs a warning. (NEVISMETA-1530)
  • REMOVED: We removed the xalan dependency. (NEVISAUTH-3759)

nevisMeta LTS - 18.05.2022

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

  • CHANGED: The previous bc and jcan-log logging using log4j1 is replaced by slf4j using log4j2. Jcan-log is now only used by the jcan-optrace, which relies on the slf4j implementation of jcan-log (NEVISMETA-1708).

Log4j2 uses different a configuration structure than log4j1, and they are not compatible. If you are not using nevisAdmin4, you have to migrate the logging configuration manually. Check the default template supplied in the RPM.

nevisMeta requires a logging.yml file in the instance config directory. If it is missing, or the file is incorrectly formatted, a default configuration logs into the stdout which can be viewed in the systemd journal.

  • REMOVED: NevisSyslogAppenderis no longer available. As a replacement we suggest SocketAppender. Reasons and example can be found in the Logging configuration / Syslog section in the reference guide. (NEVISMETA-1708).
  • NEW: The automatic reload of logging configuration is supported by using the monitorInterval property of( (NEVISMETA-1708).


  • CHANGED: The location of the default temporary directory changed from /tmp to /var/opt/nevismeta/{instance_name}/tmp. (NEVISMETA-1719)
  • UPGRADED: Xstream version is upgraded to 1.4.19. (NEVISMETA-1703)
  • UPGRADED: Jackson is upgraded to 2.13.2. (NEVISMETA-1712)
  • UPGRADED: Jackson-databind is upgraded to (NEVISMETA-1712)
  • UPGRADED: Guava is upgraded to 31.0.1-jre. (NEVISMETA-1714)
  • UPGRADED: Jetty is upgraded to 9.4.45.v20220203. (NEVISMETA-1714)
  • UPGRADED: Spring is upgraded to 5.3.19. (NEVISMETA-1730)

nevisMeta LTS - 16.02.2022

This is a technical release.

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


  • CHANGED: JSF is upgraded to version 2.3.9. (NEVISMETA-1683)
  • UPGRADED: Log4j version is upgraded to 1.2.17. (NEVISMETA-1691)
  • REMOVED: The supplied log4j version 1.2.17 is patched to remove vulnerable classes org/apache/log4j/net/JMSAppender.class and org/apache/log4j/net/SocketServer.class. (NEVISMETA-1691)

nevisMeta LTS - 16.02.2022

This is a technical release.

Changes and new features

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


  • CHANGED: JSF is upgraded to version 2.3.9. (NEVISMETA-1683)
  • UPGRADED: Log4j version is upgraded to 1.2.17. (NEVISMETA-1691)
  • REMOVED: The supplied log4j version 1.2.17 is patched to remove vulnerable classes org/apache/log4j/net/JMSAppender.class and org/apache/log4j/net/SocketServer.class. (NEVISMETA-1691)

nevisMeta LTS - 17.11.2021

This is a technical release.

Changes and new features

There are no changes or new features.