FIXED: We added the property '' to fix the handling of responses without Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding headers. (NEVISPROXY-7473)
FIXED: We fixed multi-value dTB tracing with OpenTelemetry. (NEVISPROXY-7434)
FIXED: We fixed a possible dead-lock in the MySQLSessionStoreServlet, and we added the error code 2014 to the default ConnectionErrorCodes. (NEVISPROXY-7431)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to OpenTelemetry 1.18.0. (NEVISPROXY-7383)
NEW: We added the parameter Sampler to the OpenTelemetry tracing. (NEVISPROXY-7243)
FIXED: We fixed the possible ModSecurityFilter segmentation fault when DelegateFromTx parameter was configured. (NEVISPROXY-7362)
FIXED: We fixed the issue where the ErrorFilter did only replace placeholders for text/* Content-Types when the Resource was a Servlet. See the new parameter PlaceHolders.ContentTypes.. (NEVISPROXY-7313)
FIXED: We fixed the error which may have occurred if a ModSecurityFilter was mapped before an ICAPFilter. (NEVISPROXY-7170)
FIXED: We fixed a possible memory leak if SSLCheckPeerHostname.AllowWildcards was set to true in the HttpsConnectorServlet. (NEVISPROXY-7162)
FIXED: We fixed the issue that op tracing wasn't working anymore in some nevis components. This issue has been introduced in version 7.2405.2.0. (NEVISPROXY-7341)
CHANGED: We added experimental support for client certificates with HTTP/2 frontend connections. (NEVISPROXY-7160)
CHANGED: We improved the nevisproxy version written in telemetry reports. (NEVISPROXY-7129)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to nghttp2 1.64.0. (NEVISPROXY-7353)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to OpenTelemetry 1.16.1. (NEVISPROXY-7238)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to nghttp2 1.62.1. (NEVISPROXY-7156)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to Lua 5.4.6. (NEVISPROXY-7147)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to mod_qos 11.75. (NEVISPROXY-6705)
DOCUMENTATION: We improved the documentation for Securosys integration. (NEVISPROXY-7277)
Support for SLES15 SP3 ends in December 2025 (see: We recommend to upgrade to the latest service pack (SP) as soon as possible. Starting from the November 2025 LTS24 release, we will only support SP6 or higher. Currently we support SP3 or higher.
NEW: The OpenTelemetry traces now contain the dt and cR values. (NEVISPROXY-7259)
NEW: We added the parameter Sampler to the OpenTelemetry tracing. (NEVISPROXY-7243)
FIXED: We fixed the bug where a race condition followed by a NullPointerException was triggered when using the MultiLevelSessionStoreServlet and a custom based SessionManagementFilter. (NEVISPROXY-7307)
FIXED: We fixed the issue where the ErrorFilter did only replace placeholders for text/* Content-Types when the Resource was a Servlet. See the new parameter PlaceHolders.ContentTypes. (NEVISPROXY-7313)
FIXED: We fixed the issue where Events and Logout-Cookies were not visible in LuaFilters for logout requests. (NEVISPROXY-7282)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to OpenSSL version 3.0.15. (NEVISPROXY-7310)
UPGRADED: We upgraded nghttp2 to version 1.63.0. (NEVISPROXY-7297)
UPGRADED: We upgraded to Apache HTTP Server to v2.4.62. (NEVISPROXY-7247)
UPGRADED: We upgraded the OpenTelemetry library to version 1.16.1. (NEVISPROXY-7238)
UPGRADED: We upgraded ModSecurity to version 3.0.13. (NEVISPROXY-7009)
DOCUMENTATION: We improved the documentation of the H2 tag in navajo.xml. (NEVISPROXY-7232)