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Nevis software

The Nevis products and components are pre-installed on the nevisAppliance. You can put each Nevis product or component into effect by creating an "instance". (This is called "to instantiate the Nevis software or component".) An instance represents the software. It runs a process that offers the software's functionality via a (web) service (listening host name and port).

You can create instances of Nevis products or components using the corresponding "instance create" commands".


 nevisproxy inst create www \
PROXY_RT_USER=nvpuser \
PROXY_RT_GROUP=nvbgroup \

Instances are created with the /var/opt file system and automatically started at a server reboot.

See the nevisAdmin reference guide explaining how to use and configure Nevis products and components. Chapter "Quick Start" shows you how to begin configuring your Nevis platform.

Installing a quick fix

Quick fixes are temporary workarounds for minor errors or bugs in the Nevis products, components or containers. They are delivered as rpm packages.

Due to integrity protection mechanisms of nevisAppliance, installed quick fixes are reverted after the next reboot. If you need an extraordinary nevisAppliance release containing a sustainable solution, contact Nevis Security.

To install a quick fix rpm package, proceed as follows:

For Nevis products & components

Before you install the rpm package of the quick fix, you need to stop all running instances of the Nevis product or component. Also, you have to unmount the corresponding directory. See the sample code below:

nevisauth all stop
umount /opt/nevisauth
rpm -i nevisauth-
nevisauth all start

For containers (e.g. adnjboss, adnglassfish or adnwildfly)

Before you install the rpm package of the quick fix, you need to stop all running instances of the container and remove the existing rpm. See the sample code below:

adnglassfish all stop
rpm -e adnglassfish
rpm -i adnglassfish-
adnglassfish all start

If new instances were created with a patched release, remove the relevant systemd configuration files manually. This is required to avoid invalid systemd configurations after a reboot. The locations for a given Nevis product or component (for example nevisAuth) are:

  • /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]
  • /etc/systemd/multi-user.wants/nevisauth@<instance-name>.service

Reverting a quick fix before the next reboot

If you want to back out the quick fix before the next reboot, execute the -r command and restart the system.

Apache web server


The nevisAppliance includes an Apache Web 2.4 server. This component is available on all appliance image types. Configuration files can be stored in the /etc/httpd/conf/ and /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directories while the content of the Web server (HTML documents) shall be stored in the /var/www/ directory.

Enter the following commands to enable and start the server:

# systemctl enable httpd.service
# systemctl start httpd.service

Configuration: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Start/stop: systemctl stop|start httpd.service

Enable: systemctl enable httpd.service

Java 17 OpenJDK / Java

/etc/alternatives/java /etc/alternatives/jre_17

The nevisAppliance includes Java 17 OpenJDK with the complete development toolkit. This component is available on all appliance image types.

Most Nevis components support setting the JAVA_HOME variable in their env.conf file or configuration. It is recommended to always point this variable to /etc/alternatives/jre_17 when OpenJDK is expected, as this allows for seamless upgrades.