This chapter describes the steps that perform to install nevisLogRend.
Operating system and software dependencies
- The Support matrix summarizes Java and Operating system support for all components, including nevisLogRend.
Disk space
~500MB of free space in /var
Instance configuration files, application templates and resources, log files
~50MB of free space in /opt
Installation files
~50MB of free space in /tmp
nevisLogRend is unpacked into a temporary directory during runtime
The space required in /var can be different for each configuration. This is influenced by the number of instances, number of resource files in the login applications, log rotation and log file size settings. The above list shows minimum requirements.
Users and groups
nevisLogRend requires the following user to run it:
groupadd -g 30000 nvbgroup
useradd -g nvbgroup -d /tmp -s /bin/false -u 30003 nvauser
Sudo profile
Add the following entries into /etc/sudoers
%nvbgroup ALL=(nvauser) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nevislogrend
%nvbgroup ALL=(nvauser) NOPASSWD:/opt/nevislogrend/bin/nevislogrend
Creating the user, user group and sudo profile are manual steps.
Installing nevisLogRend
Proceed as follows to install the package on Linux:
rpm -i nevislogrend-1.x.y.z-1.noarch.rpm
Uninstalling nevisLogRend
Use the following command to remove the nevisLogRend software without deleting log files and configuration:
rpm -e nevislogrend
The existing server instances are not removed with the package. It is possible to use them again when a new software version is installed.
Software upgrade
Proceed as follows to upgrade to a new software version without changing the configuration:
Uninstall the old package (see Uninstalling nevisLogRend. This step is optional.
Install the new package (see Installing nevisLogRend.