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The nevisFIDO test client is distributed as ZIP archives containing all the necessary artifacts which are needed to install them to your own Maven repository. The JAR and POM files are not available in any public repository and are organized in two separate artifacts: test-client-core and test-client-gatling.

Local maven repository installation

Test client core module

Download the archive from Nevis portal. Apart from the Maven artifacts (JAR, javadoc JAR, sources JAR and POM file), the archive also contains a file with version specific installation hints:

Core archive contents
├── test-client-core-VERSION-javadoc.jar
├── test-client-core-VERSION-sources.jar
├── test-client-core-VERSION.jar
└── test-client-core-VERSION.pom

Unzip archive in a separate directory and execute the command below from that specific directory (replace VERSION placeholders with the actual version number):

  mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=test-client-core-VERSION.jar \
-DpomFile=test-client-core-VERSION.pom \
-Dsources=test-client-core-VERSION-sources.jar \
-Djavadoc=test-client-core-VERSION-javadoc.jar \ \
-DartifactId=test-client-core \
-Dversion=VERSION \

Add the library as a dependency to your project (replace VERSION placeholder with the actual version number):


Test client gatling module

Download the archive from Nevis portal. Apart from the Maven artifacts (JAR, javadoc JAR, sources JAR and POM file), the archive also contains a file with version specific installation hints:

Gatling archive contents
├── test-client-gatling-VERSION-javadoc.jar
├── test-client-gatling-VERSION-sources.jar
├── test-client-gatling-VERSION.jar
└── test-client-gatling-VERSION.pom

Unzip archive in a separate directory and execute the command below from that specific directory (replace VERSION placeholders with the actual version number):

  mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=test-client-gatling-VERSION.jar \
-DpomFile=test-client-gatling-VERSION.pom \
-Dsources=test-client-gatling-VERSION-sources.jar \
-Djavadoc=test-client-gatling-VERSION-javadoc.jar \ \
-DartifactId=test-client-gatling \
-Dversion=VERSION \

Add the library as a dependency to your project (replace VERSION placeholder with the actual version number):
