All Classes and Interfaces

The object representing a user account.
The service returning the information required to choose the account to be used: it returns all the available accounts and authenticators and also informs whether a given authenticator is compliant with the policy required by the FIDO UAF server for the ongoing operation.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user chooses the account to be used.
The object in charge of selecting an account.
Classes and methods marked with this annotation are Android specific.
The error that can occur when the registration using the the Authentication Cloud API fails.
The encrypted contents of the Authentication Cloud API response could not be decrypted.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A problem with the provided Authentication Cloud API response occurred.
A network error occurred while redeeming the token: either the server was not reachable or it returned an HTTP error.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
An error occurred at the FIDO UAF protocol level.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS.
The token was already redeemed.
The token has expired.
The object that can be used to trigger a registration operation from the response to the Authentication Cloud API enroll request.
The object that can be used to trigger an authentication operation.
An extension of OperationError for the Authentication) operation.
An object describing an authenticator.
The service returning the information required to choose the authenticator to be used: it returns all the available authenticators, the operation being executed and also informs whether a given authenticator is compliant with the policy required by the FIDO UAF server for the ongoing operation.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user chooses the authenticator to be used.
The object in charge of selecting the authenticator to be used to perform an operation.
Provides the authorization elements required to perform protected operations.
An HTTP cookie based authorization provider.
An AuthorizationProvider providing no authorization.
An authorization provider using JWS to do the authorization.
An JWT based authorization provider.
Defines the elements of the biometric prompt (title and description).
A builder for BiometricPromptOptions.
The object providing information about the biometric user verification (i.e.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides biometric credentials.
The object in charge of interacting with the user to do biometric authentication.
The interface that operation handlers inherit from.
The MobileAuthenticationClient configuration.
A simplified builder that can be used to configure an SDK when your application works with the Nevis Authentication Cloud.
A builder for Configuration.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
The content type of the OutOfBandPayload.
An object encapsulating an HTTP cookie.
The object that can be used to trigger a deregistration operation.
The object containing information of the device where the SDK is running.
A builder for DeviceInformation.
The DeviceInformation is stored a set of generic credentials representing dispatch targets in nevisIDM.
The object that updates a device information.
The error that can occur with operations related to a DeviceInformation.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS sent to modify the device information.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
There is already a device information with the provided name.
A network error occurred.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The device information to be updated could not be found.
The operation retrieving the mismatches that exist between the configuration in the server and in the mobile device application.
The error that can occur with the DeviceInformationCheck operation.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS sent to modify the device information.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
The SDK could not access the credentials in the backend.
A network error occurred.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The backend does not support the retrieval of credentials.
This is the result of the DeviceInformationCheck operation.
The configuration mismatches between the server and the mobile device application.
There is a mismatch between the name of the device in the server and the one in the mobile device application.
There is a mismatch between the firebase registration token in the server and the one in the mobile device application.
An authenticator is registered in the server for an account, but not in the mobile device application.
An authenticator is registered in the mobile device application for an account, but not in the server.
The device information for the given DeviceInformation.IdUsernamePair is defined in the server but not in the mobile device application.
The device information for the given DeviceInformation.IdUsernamePair is defined in the SDK but not in the server.
The operation that can be executed to correct the DeviceInformationMismatch problems that were found in a DeviceInformationCheck.
The error that can occur with the DeviceInformationSync operation.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS sent to modify the device information.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A network error occurred.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The backend does not support the retrieval of out-of-band operations.
This is the result of the DeviceInformationSync operation.
Defines the elements of the device passcode prompt (title and description).
A builder for DevicePasscodePromptOptions.
The object providing information about the device passcode user verification (i.e.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides device passcode credentials.
The object in charge of interacting with the user to do authenticate using the device passcode (PIN, password or gesture).
The different dispatch channels (dispatchers in nevisFIDO terminology) that can be used with to transmit the out-of-band operation: the out-of-band operation reaches the application either through a QR code, a FCM push notification or a link.
Collection error codes based on the FIDO UAF client error codes.
The object providing information about the fingerprint user verification (i.e.
The recoverable error that can occur when verifying the user with fingerprint.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides fingerprint credentials.
The object in charge of interacting with the user to do fingerprint authentication.
An operation that requires sending HTTP requests to the backend.
Collection of MobileAuthenticationClient initialization error codes.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
Secure hardware is not available on this device or an error occurred checking the hardware of the device.
User has changed the lock screen configuration of the device and the credentials were created using an SDK previous to 1.7.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The device is detected as being rooted.
An object representing a JWT token as described in the RFC 7519.
An interface that provides information about the information that is stored locally in the SDK.
An interface with static methods only that provides additional information about the Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK.
The MobileAuthenticationClient interface represents the entry point to the SDK.
The parent of all the errors that can be returned.
The class that creates and initializes asynchronously an instance of MobileAuthenticationClient.
The generic interface representing an operation returned by Operations.
An error occurred during registration, authentication or deregistration.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A network error occurred while redeeming the token: either the server was not reachable or it returned an HTTP error.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The backend does not support using the AuthorizationProvider.JwsAuthorizationProvider.
An error that occurs with registration when we try to register a new authenticator in a server for a given username, and there is an authenticator already registered in another server for that username.
An error that occurs with username-less out-of-band authentication, if the username of a registered account is provided to the AccountSelectionHandler, but the user is not defined in the server where the token was redeemed.
The interface used to obtain operation objects (registration, deregistration, authentication...).
A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.
An object that can be used to resume listening for OS credentials (i.e.
The operation handling an out-of-band authentication.
The operation managing an OutOfBandPayload.
The error that can occur when the processing of a OutOfBandPayload fails.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A network error occurred while redeeming the token: either the server was not reachable or it returned an HTTP error.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The token was already redeemed.
The token has expired.
This object describes the contents that are sent by nevisFIDO in the out-of-band use case to start an operation (registration, authentication or deregistration).
The object that decodes an OutOfBandPayload from a String in JSON format or a base64 URL encoded String representing the JSON.
The error returned when there is a problem with the out-of-band payload: it cannot be decrypted or the provided JSON is not properly formatted.
The encrypted contents of the out-of-band payload could not be decrypted.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A violation of the out-of-band payload (contents of OutOfBandPayload occurred.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The operation handling an out-of-band registration.
The object describing the password authenticator protection status.
And invalid password was provided previously.
The authenticator is locked and cannot be used.
The authenticator is unlocked and can be used.
The object that can be used to change the password.
The object providing some contextual information during password change.
The error returned when the password change failed.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The password was locked because of too many failures.
The specified user in PasswordChange.username(String) does not have an enrolled password.
The password change was canceled.
The object handling the old and new password provided by the end-user.
The object in charge of password change.
The recoverable error that can occur when changing a password.
The provided new password has failed the validation done in PasswordPolicy.validatePasswordForPasswordChange(char[], Runnable, Consumer).
A builder for CustomValidationError.
The provided old password is not valid.
The old and new passwords are equal.
The object in charge of password enrollment.
The object providing some contextual information during password enrollment.
The object that informs that an error occurred during password enrollment.
A builder for PasswordEnrollmentError.
The object handling the password to be enrolled.
The object defining whether the password provided by a user during enrollment or when changing it is valid.
An object defining the PasswordPolicy
The object providing information about the password user verification (i.e.
The recoverable error that can occur when verifying the user with a password.
The error that occurs when the user provides a bad password.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides password credentials.
The object in charge of interacting with the user to do password authentication.
The object defining a non-redeemed out-of-band operation as defined in the in the Get Device Out-of-Band Operations service.
The operation retrieving the out-of-band operations that have been started in the server, and must be handled by the application running the Mobile SDK in this device.
The error that can occur with the PendingOutOfBandOperations operation.
The clocks on the mobile and on the server are too apart and the server refused to validate the JWS sent to modify the device information.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
A network error occurred.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The backend does not support the retrieval of out-of-band operations.
The object with the non-redeemed out-of-band operations returned by nevisFIDO in the Get Device Out-of-Band Operations service.
The object describing the PIN authenticator protection status.
And invalid PIN was provided previously.
The authenticator is locked and cannot be used.
The authenticator is unlocked and can be used.
The object that can be used to change the PIN.
The object providing some contextual information during PIN change.
The error returned when the PIN change failed.
An error that indicates that some form of tampering was found in the application.
The android device has no secure lock screen.
The PIN was locked because of too many failures.
The specified user in PinChange.username(String) does not have an enrolled PIN.
The PIN change was canceled.
The object handling the old and new PIN provided by the end-user.
The object in charge of PIN enrollment.
The recoverable error that can occur when changing a PIN.
The provided PIN has failed the validation done in PinPolicy.validatePinForPinChange(char[], Runnable, Consumer).
A builder for CustomValidationError.
The provided old PIN is not valid.
The provided PIN has characters that are not digits, or its length is not compliant with the minimum and maximum PIN lengths defined in PinPolicy.
The old and new PINs are equal.
The object in charge of PIN enrollment.
The object providing some contextual information during PIN enrollment.
The object that informs that an error occurred during PIN enrollment.
A builder for CustomValidationError.
The provided PIN has characters that are not digits, or its length is not compliant with the minimum and maximum PIN lengths defined in PinPolicy.
The object handling the PIN to be enrolled.
The object defining the minimum and maximum length of the PIN.
An object that can be used to build a PinPolicy that checks for the minimum and maximum PIN length.
An object defining the PinPolicy
The object providing information about the PIN user verification (i.e.
The recoverable error that can occur when verifying the user with a PIN.
The error that occurs when the user provides a bad PIN.
The object handling the outcome of an interaction where the user provides PIN credentials.
The object in charge of interacting with the user to do PIN authentication.
The interface implemented by all recoverable errors.
The data with the information required to redeem the token.
The object that can be used to trigger a registration operation.
The object exposing the registration information for an Authenticator.
The interface defining the HTTP headers that can be provided to HttpOperation.
Some of the operations of the SDK allow to retry the operation (or part of the operation).
The operation will be retried periodically with a maximum number of tries.
A builder to create a RetryPolicy.Constant
The operation will be retried at exponential intervals.
A builder to create a RetryPolicy.Exponential
Do not retry: in case of failure the operation will report the error without retrying.
The object defining a server.
Provides the elements required to run an operation in a session.
An HTTP cookie based session provider.
An SessionProvider providing no session information.
An JWT based session provider.
The object containing the user enrollment information.
The object containing the user enrollment information for an authenticator whose credentials are managed by the operating system (like the fingerprint authenticator).
The object containing the user enrollment information for an authenticator whose credentials are managed by the SDK (like the PIN authenticator).
The interface that other user verification context objects inherit from.
An interface that represents a generic version with major, minor, patch and buildNumber fields.