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Version: 3.8.x.x RR


Out-of-band operations occur when a message is delivered to the application through an alternate channel like a push notification, a QR code, or a deep link. The application is responsible to create an OutOfBandPayload java, swift, objc, flutter, react native object from the data contained in such a message.

The OutOfBandPayload is then used to start an OutOfBandOperation java, swift, objc, flutter, react native, see chapters Out-of-Band Registration and Out-of-Band Authentication.

Out-of-band payload from QR code

An example to get an OutOfBandPayload after scanning a Nevis mobile authentication registration QR code looks something like this:

OutOfBandPayload from Scanned QR Code

Out-of-band payload from push notification

In case of push notifications, the OutOfBandPayload is provided in a platform-specific object:

  • Android:
  • iOS: UNNotificationResponse

The code uses a object to generate JSON for Android.

OutOfBandPayload from Push Notification

Out-of-band payload from pending operations (fetch channel)

The SDK offers the PendingOutOfBandOperations java, swift, objc, flutter react native API to retrieve the out-of-band operations that have not been processed, nor have timed-out.

This API can be helpful to handle the case where a push notification does not reach the mobile application.


Refer to our concept guide for additional conceptual information regarding this fetch channel.

Experimental API
  • This API is experimental and can be modified or dropped in future releases without notice.
  • The Nevis Authentication Cloud supports this API.
  • The Nevis Identity Suite requires nevisFIDO version 7.2402.1.2 or later.
User registrations done with Android SDK 3.6.0 / 3.6.1

Due to an issue affecting users whose first registration was done with Android SDK 3.6.1 or 3.6.2. This operation does not call the Get Device Out-of-band Operations endpoint for affected users. Instead, the operation will return an empty result.

The following example shows how to get an OutOfBandPayload after scanning a Nevis Mobile Authentication registration QR code:

OutOfBandPayload from Pending Operation