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Version: 3.7.x.x RR


Before being able to authenticate using the Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK, go through the registration process. In the registration operation, FIDO UAF credentials are created on both mobile and server side. The credentials are used during authentication to validate that the user provided valid authentication.


To do a registration operation, configure and initialize the SDK to obtain a MobileAuthenticationClient java, swift, objc, flutter, react native.


The PIN and password authenticators are fully managed by the SDK: their contents are defined through the SDK during registration.

  • The Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK allows registering only one authenticator of each type per user.
  • The PIN authenticator is fully managed by the SDK: its contents are defined through the SDK during registration.
  • The device passcode authenticator uses the passcode to lock the device (PIN, password, gesture) which is defined in the operating system settings. The SDK does not manage this passcode.
  • The biometric authenticators are managed by the operating system, thus to successfully register them, the end-user must previously define biometric credentials (fingerprint, face, iris) in the operating system settings.

Depending on the use case, there are two types of registration: in-app registration and out-of-band registration. For more information, see Registration.

Secure Defaults

The SDK uses "secure default" to provide the highest security with drawbacks regarding usability for end-users. The following settings influence the biometric authenticators and are listed with the default values used.

  • On the Android platform, invalidateOnNewOsBiometrics and allowDevicePasscodeAsFallback are mutually exclusive. If one is set to true, the other must be set to false. SDK version 3.7.0+ will throw a RuntimeException if both flags are set to true.
  • When invalidateOnNewOsBiometrics is set to true, the SDK does not automatically remove invalidated authenticators - neither locally nor in the backend. When trying to access an invalidated authenticator, the SDK will throw an OperationError with error code FidoErrorCode.KEY_PERMANENTLY_DELETED.

Device Information


The DeviceInformation object is always required during the first registration operation.

During the first registration operation, provide a DeviceInformation java, swift, objc, flutter, react native using the deviceInformation method of the registration object.

The DeviceInformation contains the name identifying your device and optionally the Firebase Cloud Messaging registration token Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native used by the backend to send authentication push notifications to your application.

There is a single DeviceInformation for all accounts. It is created when the first successful registration is completed, and it is deleted when the latest authenticator is removed (using the Deregistration or Remove Local Data). When a DeviceInformation is provided in a registration operation, and a DeviceInformation is already defined (that is, there is already a registered authenticator), the provided DeviceInformation is ignored. The device information contents (name and FCM registration token) can be changed using change device information.

In-app registration

If the application triggers the registration, we are in the context of in-app registration.

Authentication Cloud

If your application is using a backend relying on the Authentication Cloud, your application has to obtain an enroll response or an appLinkUri to start the registration. You can get the enroll response by your backend invoking the Authentication Cloud API enroll. If the request is successful, the JSON response looks something like this:

"userId": "7e16ba00-92e2-4fcb-b30e-1af8fdc843aa",
"username": "u12345",
"status": "new",
"createdAt": "2020-10-09T12:13:11.845958Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-09T12:13:11.845958Z",
"authenticators": [],
"enrollment": {
"transactionId": "67cae36e-e3d5-4d67-9aa6-ab7ae3050576",
"statusToken": "eyJhbGciO...PxOZZYow",
"qrCode": {
"type": "image/png",
"size": 300,
"dataUri": "...YII"
"appLinkUri": "https://{instance}"

Provide the returned JSON response or the value of the appLinkUri attribute to an AuthCloudApiRegistration java, swift, objc, flutter, react native, and trigger an in-app registration.

Provide an authenticator selector, which returns the authenticator to be registered.

Depending on the authenticators available to register, provide any of the following:

Authentication Cloud Registration

Identity Suite

When the backend used by your application does not use the Nevis Authentication Cloud, provide the name of the user to be registered to Registration java, swift, objc, flutter, react native, and trigger an in-app registration.

If authorization is required by your backend to register, provide an AuthorizationProvider java, swift, objc, flutter, react native.

Provide an authenticator selector, which returns the authenticator to be registered.

Depending on the authenticators available to register, provide any of the following:


Out-of-band registration

When the registration is initiated in another device or application, the information required to process the operation is transmitted through a QR code or a link. An example of out-of-band registration is the case where the user provides credentials in a laptop to obtain a registration QR code, and then the user scans the QR code in your application.

The out-of-band registration is done in three phases:

  1. The payload obtained from the QR code or the link is provided to an OutOfBandPayloadDecode java, swift, objc, flutter, react native to get an OutOfBandPayload java, swift, objc, flutter, react native object. The payload to be provided is of the following type:
"nma_data": {
"token": "b4b07559-f934-4597-a1c5-44d89f691e8f",
"redeem_url": ""
"nma_data_content_type": "application/json",
"nma_data_version": "1"

For more information on how to get OutOfBandPayload, see Decode out-of-band payload.

  1. Provide the OutOfBandPayload to an OutOfBandOperation java, swift, objc, flutter, react native object. When building the OutOfBandOperation, invoke the OutOfBandOperation.onRegistration method with an object taking an OutOfBandRegistration.
  2. Invoke OutOfBandOperation.execute. If the provided payload is successfully redeemed in the server, and it corresponds to a registration, the object provided in OutOfBandOperation.onRegistration is invoked with an OutOfBandRegistration java, swift, objc, flutter, react native.
  3. Provide an authenticator selector, a PinEnroller if a PIN can be registered in your application, a PasswordEnroller if a password can be registered, and the user verifiers to the OutOfBandRegistration.
  4. Invoke OutOfBandRegistration.execute to continue with the operation.
Out-of-Band Registration


  1. When the execute method is invoked, the registration is started.
  2. The SDK invokes the Authenticator Selector.
  3. Depending on the selected authenticator, the SDK does the following:
  1. When the operation completes, the SDK does the following:

The PIN and password authenticators are fully managed by the SDK: their contents are defined and modified through the SDK.

However, the other authenticators are enrolled by the operating system, thus the user has to authenticate at the end of the registration for these authenticators.

Authenticator Selector

The Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK needs to know which is the authenticator used for the operation. The developer has to provide an AuthenticatorSelector java, swift, objc, flutter, react native when building the operation.

Performing authenticator "eligibility" checks

It is very important that the authenticator selector performs the necessary checks to determine whether an authenticator is "usable" or not, otherwise the operation will fail.

Checks that need to be done are:

  • Is the authenticator policy compliantjava, swift, objc, flutter, react native
  • Is the authenticator supported by the mobile device hardware
  • Is the authenticator not registered (registration) or registered (authentication) for the given user

The JavaDoc contains example code of these checks.

Select an authenticator

The AuthenticatorSelector is called by the SDK to select an authenticator used for the operation. It is the responsibility of the application to decide whether to ask the user to perform the selection, or to do it directly without user intervention.

  1. The user initiates an action that requires to select an authenticator, like registration or authentication.
  2. The application invokes Operations java, swift, objc, flutter, react native to build the operation. The application provides the AuthenticatorSelector to the operation being built.
  3. The SDK calls the AuthenticatorSelector.selectAuthenticatorjava, swift, objc, flutter, react native method. The AuthenticatorSelectionContext java, swift, objc, flutter, react native contains a list of authenticator objects, including AAIDs, which uniquely identify each authenticator.
  4. The application shows the list of available authenticators to the user.
    1. The user selects an authenticator.
    2. The application provides the AAID of the authenticator invoking the AuthenticatorSelectionHandler.aaid java, swift, objc, flutter, react native method.

The SDK can now continue the operation started by using the selected authenticator.

PIN Enroller

When a PIN authenticator is to be registered, a PIN is to be defined. The developer has to provide a PinEnroller java, swift, objc, flutter, react native when building the registration operation. The PinEnroller is in charge of providing the PIN to the SDK. The PinEnroller asks the user for the PIN and provides it to the SDK, which validates it against the PIN policy.

The PinEnroller can also define which is the PIN policy to be used through PinPolicyProvider java, swift, objc, flutter, react native interface.

Enroll PIN

The PinEnroller is called by the SDK to obtain the value of the PIN to be registered.

  1. The SDK calls the PinEnroller.enrollPin java, swift, objc, flutter, react native method.
  2. The application asks the user to provide a PIN. For example, the application displays a textbox where the user provides a PIN, and another textbox to confirm it.
  3. The user provides the PIN.
  4. The application provides the PIN invoking the java, swift, objc, flutter, react native method.
  5. The SDK validates whether the provided PIN is compliant with the PinPolicy java, swift, objc, flutter, react native.
  6. If the provided PIN is not compliant with the PIN policy, the SDK invokes PinEnroller.enrollPin again, and the PinEnrollmentContext java, swift, objc, flutter, react native contains a recoverable error.
  7. On Android, Flutter and React Native, if the provided credentials are valid, the PinEnroller.onValidCredentialsProvided java, flutter, react native method is invoked.

Password Enroller

When a password authenticator is to be registered, a password is to be defined. The developer has to provide a PasswordEnroller java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native when building the registration operation. The PasswordEnroller is in charge of providing the password to the SDK. The PasswordEnroller asks the user for the password and provides it to the SDK, which validates it against the password policy.

The PasswordEnroller also defines the PasswordPolicy java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native to be used, see PasswordEnroller.passwordPolicy java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native. The PasswordPolicy is the object that determines whether the password is valid or not. For example the password policy can enforce that the password has at least 8 characters and contains at least one capital letter and two special characters.

Enroll password

The PasswordEnroller is called by the SDK to obtain the value of the password to be registered.

  1. The SDK calls the PasswordEnroller.enrollPassword java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native method.
  2. The application asks the user to provide a password. For example, the application displays a textbox where the user provides a password, and another textbox to confirm it.
  3. The user provides the password.
  4. The application provides the password invoking the PasswordEnrollmentHandler.password java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native method.
  5. The SDK invokes the PasswordPolicy.validatePasswordForEnrollment java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native method to validate the provided password.
  6. The application (through the PasswordPolicy) informs the SDK of whether the password is valid or not.
  7. If the provided password is not compliant with the password policy, the SDK invokes PasswordEnroller.enrollPassword again, and the PasswordEnrollmentContext java, swift, objc, flutter, react-native contains the recoverable error provided by the PasswordPolicy.
  8. On Android, Flutter and React Native, if the provided credentials are valid, the PasswordEnroller.onValidCredentialsProvided java, flutter, react-native method is invoked.

Biometric User Verifier


The biometric authenticator is specific to Android devices. For iOS please refer to the FaceID or TouchID authenticator.

When authentication using the biometric authenticator is required, the developer has to provide a BiometricUserVerifier java, swift, objc, flutter, react native when building the operation. The BiometricUserVerifier does not need to implement the user interface asking for biometric credentials, as this is handled by the SDK.

Biometric user verification

The BiometricUserVerifier is called by the SDK to ask the user to provide fingerprint credentials.

  1. The SDK calls the BiometricUserVerifier.verifyBiometric java, swift, objc, flutter, react native method.
  2. On Android Flutter and React Native, the application invokes BiometricUserVerificationHandler.listenForOsCredentials java, flutter, react native so that the SDK starts listening for biometric credentials.
  3. On iOS, the application invokes the BiometricUserVerificationHandler.verify swift, objc method.
  4. The SDK displays a user interface asking the user to provide credentials.
  5. The user provides biometric credentials.
  6. The operating system validates the provided credentials.
  7. If the provided biometric credentials are not valid, the operating system displays an error to inform the user. If supported by the OS version and enabled during registration, it also proposes the user to provide device credentials as fallback: PIN, gestures, or password.
  8. If the provided biometric information is not valid, and too many failed attempts occurred, then the operation fails, and the object managing the error provided in the onError method when building the operation is invoked.
  9. On Android, Flutter and React Native, if the provided credentials are valid, the BiometricUserVerifier.onValidCredentialsProvided java, flutter, react native method is invoked.

Device Passcode User Verifier

When authentication using the device passcode authenticator is required, the developer has to provide a DevicePasscodeUserVerifier java, swift, objc, flutter, react native when building the operation. The DevicePasscodeUserVerifier does not need to implement the user interface asking for device passcode credentials, as this is handled by the SDK.

Device passcode user verification

The DevicePasscodeUserVerifier is called by the SDK to ask the user to provide device passcode credentials.

  1. The SDK calls the DevicePasscodeUserVerifier.verifyDevicePasscode java, swift, objc, flutter, react native method.
  2. On Android, Flutter and React Native, the application invokes DevicePasscodeUserVerificationHandler.listenForOsCredentials java, flutter, react native so that the SDK starts listening for device passcode credentials.
  3. On iOS, the application invokes the DevicePasscodeUserVerificationHandler.verify swift, objc method.
  4. The SDK invokes the operating system to display a user interface asking the user to provide credentials.
  5. The user provides device passcode credentials.
  6. The operating system validates the provided credentials.
  7. If the provided device passcode credentials are not valid, the operating system displays an error to inform the user.
  8. If the provided device passcode information is not valid, and too many failed attempts occurred, then the operation fails, and the object managing the error provided in the onError method when building the operation is invoked.
  9. On Android, Flutter and React Native, if the provided credentials are valid, the DevicePasscodeUserVerifier.onValidCredentialsProvided java, flutter, react native method is invoked.

Fingerprint User Verifier


The fingerprint authenticator is supported only on Android devices. The SDK supports the fingerprint authenticator to handle older Android OS versions that do not support the biometric authentication. If the biometric authenticator is supported by the operating system, we recommend to use that authenticator, and not to allow class 2 sensors for maximum security. This means that only the fingerprint will be available as an authentication method of the biometric authenticator.

When authentication with fingerprint is required, the developer has to provide a FingerprintUserVerifier java, flutter, react native when building the operation. The FingerprintUserVerifier is in charge of displaying a user interface asking the user to provide fingerprints, and to display the recoverable errors during authentication. For example, if the user moved the finger too quickly.

Fingerprint user verification

The FingerprintUserVerifier is called by the SDK to ask the user to provide fingerprint credentials.

  1. The SDK calls the FingerprintUserVerifier.verifyFingerprint java, flutter, react native method.
  2. The application invokes FingerprintUserVerificationHandler.listenForOsCredentials java, flutter, react native so that the SDK starts listening for fingerprint credentials. The SDK does not automatically display relevant UI.
  3. The application asks the user to provide fingerprint credentials, for example, by displaying a screen with an image of a fingerprint.
  4. The user provides fingerprint credentials.
  5. The SDK validates that the provided fingerprints are valid.
  6. If the provided fingerprints are not valid, the SDK invokes FingerprintUserVerifier.verifyFingerprint again, and the FingerprintUserVerificationContext java, flutter, react native contains a recoverable error.
  7. If the provided fingerprints are not valid, and too many failed attempts occurred, then the operation fails and the object managing the error that was provided in the onError method when building the operation is invoked.
  8. If the provided credentials are valid, the FingerprintUserVerifier.onValidCredentialsProvided java, flutter, react native method is invoked.