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Version: 8.2411.x.x RR

OpenTelemetry metrics


Product metrics

Metrics with type of nevis-product-analytics shows information on how the component is used from business point of view.

  • nevisauth_authstate_classes - list of auth state classes configured for this nevisAuth instance.

Operational metrics

Metrics with type of nevis-operational-analytics shows information on runtime statistics.

  • nevisauth_heap shows heap memory usage. The stat attribute identifying the detailed metric can have the following values:

    • max - Maximum memory which can be occupied by the JVM.
    • total - Memory currently allocated by the JVM.
    • used - Memory allocated by the JVM which is currently in use.
    • free - Memory allocated by the JVM which is currently not used.
  • nevisauth_request_threads shows the web container thread pool processing incoming requests. Note that the web container itself uses a few threads (less than 10) internally. The stat attribute identifying the detailed metric can have the following values:

    • current - Number of currently managed threads.
    • max - Maximum allowed threads (lazy init, only created on demand).
    • idle - From the currently managed threads how many is waiting for a task.
    • busy - From the currently managed threads how many is actively working on request processing / container internal tasks.
  • nevisauth_requests shows the web container request statistics. The stat attribute identifying the detailed metric can have the following values:

    • active - Number active concurrent requests.
    • failures - Number of failed request since start.
    • responses1xx - Number of HTTP 1xx request responses since start.
    • responses2xx - Number of HTTP 2xx request responses since start.
    • responses3xx - Number of HTTP 3xx request responses since start.
    • responses4xx - Number of HTTP 4xx request responses since start.
    • responses5xx - Number of HTTP 5xx request responses since start.
    • responseTimeMean - Mean response time since start.
    • responseTimeMax - Max response time since start.
  • nevisauth_httpclient_pool shows the utilization of HttpClient connection pools (it does not include SOAP connections made by the SecurityTokenServiceClient, MobileSignatureState and nevisIdm auth states). The metric has a name attribute which typically contains the class of the auth state, the name in the configuration and some postfix. The stat attribute identifying the detailed metric can have the following values:

    • max - Maximum number of connections allowed in the pool overall (lazy initialization, only created on demand).
    • maxPerRoute - Maximum number of connections allowed per request target host (lazy initialization, only created on demand).
    • busy - Number of connections actively used to send requests.
    • idle - Number of connections in the pool which not used.
    • queued - Number of requests waiting for a connection to be ready in the pool.