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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


The JDBCDataSink is used to write record into a table of an SQL database. It creates an insert, update or delete SQL statement based on the provided table name and column names. An existence test is carried out based on an adjustable WHERE clause. Such a WHERE clause may contain question marks ? for every parameter bound at runtime. The #? syntax extension is known from the JDBCDataSource. This module is tested with the JDBC drivers for Oracle, PostgreSQL and MariaDB databases, so it officially only supports MariaDB and Oracle databases.


NameType, usage constraints, defaultsDescription
tablerequired: paraVal
default: none
type: string
The name of the database table.
operationoptional: paraVal
default: create
type: export operation
Defines the operation used to export the object. The following operations are supported: create, update, createOrUpdate, and delete. See the table DataSink operations for a more detailed description of the supported operations.
columnsoptional: paraList
default: none
type: string
The names of the table columns if not determined from the attributes of the output object.
whereClauseoptional: paraVal
default: none
type: string
The SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE keyword) used to identify the records in the database. Question marks can be used for substitution with parameter values. In addition the #? syntax is supported.
whereClauseParameteroptional: paraList
default: none
type: list of values
Values for every question mark parameter given in the WHERE clause.
datasourcerequired: paraVal
default: none
type: javax.sql.DataSource
A reference to a javax.sql.DataSource object. It defines either a JDBCConnectionPool defined in some initialization section of the configuration file or it refers a javax.sql.DataSource provided programmatically by the client application and which is put into the configuration registry.
autoCommitoptional: paraVal
default: false
type: boolean
Determines whether a transaction is automatically committed after the export of the entity.
updateModeoptional: paraVal
default: full
type: update mode
Determines how null values are treated. Update mode:
full: set null attributes to NULL in the database
partial: ignore columns with null values.


<dataSink type="JDBCDataSink">
<dp:paraVal name="operation" value="update" />
<dp:paraVal name="datasource" value="${inst.ds}"/>
<dp:paraVal name="table" value="PERSON" />
<dp:paraList name="columns">
<dp:paraVal name="whereClause" value="STATUS = ?" />
<dp:paraList name="whereClauseParameter">