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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


The SoapDataSink is used to send an XML document as a SOAP message to some web service.


NameType, usage constraints, defaultsDescription
servicerequired: paraVal
default: none
type: SoapConnectionPool
Defines the web service to use.
bodyoptional: paraList
default: none
type: list of strings
Defines the body of the SOAP request that is sent to the web service. The strings of the list are concatenated and parsed into an XML document that is appended to the SOAP message's body.
soapActionoptional: paraVal
default: unused
type: string
Specifies the value of the SOAPAction header.


<dataSink type="SoapDataSink">
<dp:paraVal name="service" value="${inst.soapService}" />
<dp:paraVal name="soapAction" value="createPerson" />
<dp:paraList name="body">
<msgns:createPerson xmlns:msgns="http://example/ws/data">
<name>Hans Muster</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>