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Version: 1.0.x.x LTS

Geolocation module

The Geolocation module stores the IP address and geolocation from user requests. It also calculates the risk score of the actual request based on the historical data of previous requests of the same user.

The Geolocation module uses several analyzers to calculate the risk score for a specific user:

  • Geolocation analyzer: This analyzer counts the number of times a user accesses an application from the same country (one count per terminated session).
  • Suspicious country analyzer: This analyzer checks whether the current country is a suspicious country.

To determine the geolocation from the IP address, nevisAdapt uses an IP-to-location service. You can configure this service by using a CSV file that defines the IP address ranges and the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

For the suspicious country analyzer, define a comma-separated list of suspicious countries in the nevisAdapt configuration file For a description of the configuration file, see nevisAdapt service - Description.