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Version: 1.0.x.x LTS

Custom servlet container

The software packages nevisdetect-admin-<version>.noarch.rpm and nevisdetect-persistency-<version>.noarch.rpm are also installing a war file containing the services. Both war files can be deployed in a servlet container implementing the Servlet 3.0 Specification. The deployment of both war files has been verified with Tomcat 8.XX and Tomcat 7.XX. For the deployment in a Tomcat servlet container, ensure the following:

Software packageTaskDescription
persistencyTSL configurationConfigure 2-way TLS.Set client authentication to optional.
persistencyEnvironment configurationExport NEVISDETECT_SPOOL_DIR=/var/opt/nevisdetect/persistency/
adminExport NEVISDETECT_SPOOL_DIR=/var/opt/nevisdetect/admin/
persistencyContext pathConfigure with the context path /nevisdetect/persistency/
adminConfigure with the context path /nevisdetect/admin/