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Version: 1.0.x.x LTS

nevisDetect Persistency

For a proper functioning of the Persistency component of nevisDetect, you need to specify some persistency attributes, see the table below. You set the attributes in the file /var/opt/nevisdetect/persistency/conf/

NameType/unitExampleDefaultDescription JDBC URL.
spring.datasource.driver-class-namestringoracle.jdbc.OracleDriverThe JDBC driver class. Supported drivers are:oracle.jdbc.OracleDriverorg.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
spring.datasource.usernamestringThe database user.
spring.datasource.passwordstringThe password of the database user.
persistency.statisticCleanup.``setEndDateForObsoleteSessionsAfterDaysint/day14This attribute defines after how many days the system will set obsolete sessions an end date. Obsolete sessions are sessions for which the system did not process the termination message.
estimation.standardError.bootstrap.numberOfSamples300Defines the number of samples to be drawn to compute the standard error for the mean, the median, and so on. The system will estimate the standard error based on the number of samples you set here.
allowedOperationModesTRAINING,MIXED,DETECTIONConfigures the allowed operation modes.Note that untrained users will be blocked in the Detection mode. Therefore, the Detection mode might be a bad choice in many cases.
spring.http.encoding.charsetstringUTF-8Defines the HTTP content type encoding settings.
persistency.batch.corePoolSizeint10Sets the thread pool size for batch processing.
persistency.statisticCleanup.cronstring0 30 23 ` Sets the schedule for the statistic cleanup job. The default is at 23:30 every day.