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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

Plug-in nevisAdapt

The nevisAdapt plug-in delivers three different kinds of risk scores:

  • The NevisAdaptDeviceFingerprintrisk score is based on a so-called device fingerprint. This device fingerprint is computed by a JavaScript library on the user's device.
  • The NevisAdaptGeolocationrisk score is based on the geolocation of the user. To calculate this risk score, the plug-in uses the user's IP address.
  • The NevisAdaptDeviceRecognitionrisk score is based on a persistent cookie.

For more information about the nevisAdapt service, see the nevisAdapt Technical Documentation.

The next table describes the configuration attributes of the nevisAdapt plug-in.

namestringNevisAdaptSpecifies the name of the plug-in.
urlURLhttps://localhost:8888Defines the URL of the service.
colorCodeslist of string tuplescolorCodes=NevisAdaptDeviceFingerprint:#0B6623,NevisAdaptGeolocation:#3BB143,NevisAdaptDeviceRecognition:#C7EA46Defines the HTML color codes of plug-in's risk scores. The risk scores will be shown in these colors in the nevisDetect web application.
riskScoreslist of stringsriskScores=NevisAdaptDeviceFingerprint,NevisAdaptGeolocation,NevisAdaptDeviceRecognitionSpecifies a list of the risk scores delivered by the plug-in.
nevisadapt.cookie.namestringdevice_cookieName of the device recognition cookie. This is the name set by nevisAuth in the AuthState DeviceCookieAuthState, attribute cookieName. See also DeviceCookieAuthState]".
nevisadapt.fingerprint.hash.backendbooleanfalseIf set to "true", the fingerprint hash for the nevisAdapt plug-in is calculated on the backend. Note that this feature is not supported for FingerprintJS 3. If set to "false", the system uses the fingerprint hash generated by the FingerprintJS library.
nevisadapt.fingerprint.componentslist of stringsaddBehavior,platform,webglDefines a comma-separated list of components that are included in the fingerprint hash calculation, in case the fingerprint hash is calculated on the backend side. For a complete list of available components, see the chapter Fingerprint module in the nevisAdapt reference guide. Only FingerprintJS 2 keys are supported.
nevisadapt.cache.disabledbooleanfalseEnables or disables caching in the nevisAdapt plug-in. Caching is enabled by default. Set this attribute to "true" to disable caching.
nevisadapt.cache.eviction.max.sizenumber50000Maximum number of cached results and sessions. We recommend that you set this number slightly above the number of maximum parallel sessions in the system.
nevisadapt.cache.eviction.expiry.minutesnumber180Maximum lifetime of the cached results. We recommend that you set this lifetime slightly above the maximum session lifetime in the system.
nevisadapt.httprequest.ignorebooleanfalseSpecifies whether HTTP requests must be ignored. In this case, the plug-in will only process requests coming from nevisAuth. The default is "false". Set this attribute to "true" to ignore HTTP requests. If you turn off the caching we advise also turning off this feature, to not overload the service.
nevisadapt.httprequest.ignore.methodstringGETUse this attribute to ignore requests with a specific HTTP method.For example, if you set this attribute to "GET", the nevisAdapt plug-in will ignore all requests with HTTP method GET.
nevisadapt.httprequest.ignore.withoutstringbdataMakes the nevisAdapt plug-in ignore all requests without the data specified in the attribute.
nevisadapt.httprequest.mimetypesstring (comma-separated)application/behaviosecAdds custom-supported MIME types. You can set more than one MIME type. Separate the types with a comma.
http.client.connectTimeoutint/msec500The timeout (in milliseconds) for establishing a TCP connection.
http.client.retryTimeoutint/msec5000The retry timeout (in milliseconds) in case of a connection error or an HTTP error code.
http.client.keyStorefilefile:/var/opt/neviskeybox/default/rdf/nevisAdapt truststore.jksThe Java keystore file used to establish the TLS connection.
http.client.keyStorePasswordstringfile:/var/opt/neviskeybox/default/nevisdetect/nevisAdapt_keystore.jksThe passphrase for the keystore.
http.client.trustStorefileThe Java truststore file used to establish the TLS connection.
http.client.trustStorePasswordstringThe passphrase for the truststore.