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Version: 2.75.x.x LTS

Security question - policy parameters

This table lists the policy parameters specific to security questions.

In addition to the policy parameters defined in this table, the policy parameter defined in [the table] is also valid for security question credentials.

NameData Type, ValuesDefaultDescription
maxAnswersData type: int3Maximum number of questions a user may select and answer.
maxAnswerDeviationData type: int20Maximum allowed deviation when validating, relative to length of answer.
maxAnswerFailureCountData type: int3Maximum number of subsequent failed authentications after which the provisioned answer may not be used again for any use case.
maxAnswerRevealCountData type: int3Maximum number of reveals after which the provisioned answer may not be used again for any use case. A "reveal" denotes the process of showing the plain content of a user's answer to an admin, either by means of web GUI or web service. E.g., a user calls the Helpdesk by telephone, and the Helpdesk reveals the answer to compare it to the oral statement of the user.
maxAnswerSuccessCountData type: int3Maximum number of authentications after which the provisioned answer may not be used again for any use case.
minAnswersData type: int1Minimum number of questions a user has to select and answer.
restrictModifyToOwnerData type: booleantrueIf set to true, only the user/owner of security question is allowed to add or modify answers. Deletion is still allowed for anybody who has permission to delete the credential.