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Version: 2.75.x.x LTS


DB server

nevisIDM requires a relational database as its persistence tier. The DB service itself has to be provided by the customer and is not part of this product. Also parameterization, tuning and general operation of the DB server is the customer's responsibility. This document gives a few hints about selected database parameters, such as Oracle's NLS settings. Note that changing any DB server configuration parameter might have an impact on the overall performance of nevisIDM. Therefore, we recommend acting with caution and verifying the changes with some load/performance tests.

The following requirements need to be fulfilled to install nevisIDM:

  • One of these server options:
  • Java JRE 1.8.0. Recommended is OpenJDK 1.8.0_282 (deprecated: adnjdk18 )
  • The nevisidmdb package must be installed. For nevisidmdb, an Oracle or MariaDB database client supporting the chosen database option must be installed (both Oracle Instant Client 64-Bit 11.X and 12.X are supported) .
  • One of these database options:

Note that nevisIDM does not officially support MySQL with replication. This also applies to MySQL Cluster. This is because the replication feature of MySQL introduces serious limitations. For example, stored routines cannot be used without problems. If you can do without certain functional features of nevisIDM, it is possible to run nevisIDM with MySQL replication. However, this setup still needs special integration efforts and is not supported out-of-the-box. You might also need the following optional AdNovum components (see the contents of the latest Nevis cluster for the version number):

  • Optional: adnwildfly (if IDM_DEPLOY_TYPE=standalone, this is not required)
  • Optional: nevisKeybox (to manage certificates)

Java & OpenJDK 1.8.0 Support

Starting from nevisIDM 2.71, OpenJDK 1.8.0 is a fully supported runtime. In the future, OpenJDK 1.8.0 will be the default runtime; support for adnjdk18 will be fading out. OpenJDK 1.8.0 can be used for the following deployment types: standalone and adnwildfly.

Note that OpenJDK 1.8.0 is not supported on adnjboss. If there are security concerns, the recommended remediation is to migrate to the standalone deployment type with OpenJDK 1.8.0.