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Version: 2.75.x.x LTS

Special scripts for the database

Client deletion

The client deletion scripts were introduced to address the issue of failing deletion via GUI or WS because the client has too many entities attached.

There are two scripts involved in the deletion: one is for deleting the client and all of its related objects, and one is for deleting history records for a client and all of its related objects. Each script creates a stored procedure, which can be called after the scripts were executed. Therefore, the execution of the scripts alone does not achieve deletion, calling the stored procedures executes the deletion. Note that it is not possible to restore data after calling the stored procedures; backup the database before using the scripts. The scripts can be found at the following locations:

  • for MySQL: /opt/nevisidm/sql/mysql/
  • for Oracle: /opt/nevisidm/sql/oracle/
  1. Backup the database before using the script.
  2. With MySQL: Select the database where the client deletion will be applied
  3. Execute the script
  4. Call the stored procedure with the extId of the client: <extId> is the extId of the client to be deleted
    • delete client: DELETE_CLIENT(<extId>)
  5. Verify the outcome
  6. Drop the stored procedures (optional)

For more information, see the scripts at the provided locations.