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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


Policies are configurations for specific entities or components of nevisIDM. The name of the policy, the type, and whether it is the default policy, are stored in the table TIDMA_POLICY_CONFIGURATION. The parameters and values for the policy's configuration are stored in the table TIDMA_POLICY_PARAMETER.

A detailed description of the policy types and the configuration parameters they offer can be found in Facing of web GUI design.


DB attributeJava data type (max. size), defaultsDescription
client_idLong, not NULLDefines the client the policy belongs to. Foreign key that links to information in the table TIDMA_CLIENT.
default_policyBoolean, not NULLDefines whether the policy is the default policy of its type for the underlying client.
descriptionString(1000), nullable
extidString(50), not NULLExternal identifier
nameString(100), not NULLThe name of the policy. It has to be unique among all policies of a client.
policy_configuration_idLong, not NULLPrimary key (uniquely identifies each individual DB entry)
policy_typeString(50), not NULLThe type of the policy, for example, password policy or certificate policy.


DB attributeJava data type (max. size), defaultsDescription
nameString(200), not NULLThe name of the policy parameter.
policy_configuration_idLong, not NULLDefines the policy this policy parameter belongs to. Foreign key that links to information in the table TIDMA_POLICY_CONFIGURATION.
policy_parameter_idLong, not NULLPrimary key (uniquely identifies each individual DB entry)
precedenceInteger, not NULLDetermines the order in which the policy parameters are displayed on the GUI.
valueString(255), not NULLThe value of the policy parameter.