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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


The entities related to templates are used for any kind of communication with a user, via e-mail, SMS or letter. nevisIDM selects the correct template based on the user's preferred language, the actual event that requires the communication and the associated template collection.

The following main characteristics summarize the template mechanism:

  • A template can contain one or more text templates in the different allowed user languages.
  • nevisIDM resolves the placeholders in a text template within the context of a specific user and credential. The user is the one that will receive the e-mail, SMS or letter.
  • A template is defined per template collection and per communication event.

In case there is no matching template text available for a particular preferred user language, nevisIDM uses the corresponding template text in the nevisIDM default language as a fall-back. If there is no template text in the nevisIDM default language either, the communication with the user will fail with an error. For an in-depth description of the template mechanism (which is only available in the web GUI), see the chapter: Template store.


DB attributeJava data type (max. size), defaultsDescription
client_idLong, not NULLForeign key that links to information in the table TIDMA_CLIENT
default_collectionBoolean, not NULLDefines whether the collection is the default one for the underlying client (defined with client_id).
descriptionString(200), nullable
nameString(100), not NULLCollection name
template_collection_idLong, not NULLPrimary key (uniquely identifies each individual DB entry)

Database table TIDMA_TEMPLATE

DB attributeJava data type (max. size), defaultsDescription
comm_event_typeLong, not NULLThe communication event for which the template is used. Possible values are:
  • 3 (Ticket)
  • 4 (Reset Code, i.e., password reset)
  • 5 (Temporary strong password)
  • 6 (Initial password)
  • 10 (User deactivation warning)
  • 11 (Ticket expiration warning)
  • 12 (Certificate expiration warning)
  • 20 (OTP initial)
  • 21 (OTP renew)
  • 22 (OTP reset)
  • 23 (OTP expiration warning)
  • 24 (OTP low on challenge warning)
  • 30 (PUK initial)
  • 31 (PUK reset)
  • 40 (URL ticket notification)
  • 50 (Selfadmin ticket notification)
  • 51 (Selfadmin mobile notification)
  • 61-69 (User notification)
  • 70 (Vasco Digipass token assignment)
  • 80-90 (User notification)
  • 91 (NevisAdapt Notification)
doc_typeLong, not NULLThe document type of the template. Possible values are: 1 (SMS template); 2 (e-mail template); 3 (OpenOffice template); 4 (HTML e-mail template)
extidString(50), not NULLExternal identifier
precedenceInteger, not NULLPrecedence number of the template. The lowest precedence denotes the default template.
template_collection_idLong, nullableThe collection the template belongs to. Foreign key that links to information in the table TIDMA_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION.
template_idLong, not NULLPrimary key (uniquely identifies each individual DB entry)


DB attributeJava data type (max. size), defaultsDescription
file_nameString(1000), nullable
html_contentBLOB, nullableOnly used for HTML e-mail templates. Contains the binary data of an HTML document.
language_idLong, not NULLThe language identification number.
mand_placeholdersString(4000), nullableA comma-separated list of mandatory placeholders.
oo_fileBLOB, nullableOnly used for OpenOffice templates. Contains the whole OpenOffice document.
opt_placeholdersString(4000), nullableA comma-separated list of optional placeholders.
pdf_file_nameString(100), nullableName for the generated PDF.
receiverString(50), nullableUsed for e-mail and SMS templates. The e-mail address or phone number of the receiver (placeholders may be used).
receiver_bccString(50), nullableOnly used for e-mail templates. The e-mail address of the BCC receiver (placeholders may be used).
receiver_ccString(50), nullableOnly used for e-mail templates. The e-mail address of the CC receiver (placeholders may be used).
senderString(50), nullableOnly used for e-mail templates. The e-mail address of the sender (placeholders may be used).
subjectString(200), nullableOnly used for e-mail templates. The e-mail's subject (placeholders may be used).
table_namesString(4000), nullableOnly used for OpenOffice templates. A comma-separated list of the tables contained in the template.
template_idLong, not NULLForeign key that links to information in the table TIDMA_TEMPLATE.
template_text_idLong, not NULLPrimary key (uniquely identifies each individual DB entry)
textString(4000), nullableUsed for e-mail and SMS templates. The e-mail's or SMS's text (placeholders may be used).